History shows Chief Justice John Roberts could cast…

A major question looms over President Donald Trump's impeachment trial: Will there be any witnesses? The decision hinges on a simple 51-vote majority of the Senate under the chamber's rules, meaning the 47 Democratic senators…

Trump impeachment defense team expected to include Ken…

President Donald Trump's defense team for the Senate trial is expected to include former independent counsel Ken Starr, who investigated President Bill Clinton, and defense attorney Alan Dershowitz, two sources familiar with the White House's…

The Poetry of Populism

T.S. Eliot. Credit: Hulton-Deutsch Collection/CORBIS/Corbis via Getty Images What are the roots that clutch, what branches grow Out of this stony rubbish? Son of man, You cannot say, or guess, where the sun beats, And…

The Forgotten Treasure In These American Lands

“All that is constant about the California of my childhood is the rate at which it disappears.” —Joan Didion, “Notes From a Native Daughter” Idaho’s Treasure Valley lies in the western Snake River plain, a…

Two Russian Icons

I came across that painting above earlier this week in the Russian State Museum. It stopped me in my tracks. The reproduction above, from the museum’s website, can’t do justice to the canvas itself. It’s…