/Are You Seed Cycling? These Two Women Just Made The Protocol Effortless For Us

Are You Seed Cycling? These Two Women Just Made The Protocol Effortless For Us

We’ve been talking about seed cycling for years, so when I opened my first package of Beeya’s ready-to-go seed mixes (one for the first half of the month, another for the last fifteen days), I was pretty amazed. It helps to know the founders, two women steeped in natural health who I trust implicitly. We asked Yasmin and Kaya to share more on the topic and their new products below…

Have you had the experience of going to the doctor complaining of debilitating cramps, acne, menstrual irregularities, only to be met with the option of birth control or acne medication?

Rampant hormonal imbalances are not normal, yet almost everyone experiences them. So often, women are given band-aids without looking at all of the lifestyle and nutritional factors that contribute to hormonal havoc. We need to look at the source of the problem, not merely mask the symptoms.

Eighty percent of women struggle with hormonal imbalances that manifest in symptoms like bloating, skin disorders, PMS, PCOS, PMDD, hot flashes, crippling perimenopause, menopause symptoms, and more. Yet, how often are women told that they can combat these issues using food, specifically seeds?

Pretty much never.

It wasn’t until a functional medicine doctor recommended seed cycling to help with hormonal balance that we (the ladies of Beeya Wellness) became aware of this phenomenon. It’s a bit like magic and almost seems too good to be true.

If you’ve tried seed cycling, you know it’s kind of cumbersome. Freshly grinding seeds every single day and rotating them throughout a 28-day cycle? Say what?!

beeya seed cycling founders

beeya seed cycling founders

Beeya founders, Yasmin and Kaya

After trying seed cycling and seeing the results firsthand, we knew that we had to make a product that was easy to use and didn’t make seed cycling a drag.

Seed Cycling 101

Bringing balance to your hormones isn’t a quick fix, but seed cycling is an easy place to start by using the power of a nutrient-dense diet to bring balance back to your hormones, naturally. Certain seeds have beneficial nutrients such as magnesium, zinc, and tryptophan that are critical for our hormones. Seed cycling allows you to consume these nutrient-dense seeds in a way that is in-sync with the rhythms of a menstrual cycle.

The process of seed cycling consists of consuming two tablespoons of either pumpkin and flaxseeds or sesame and sunflower seeds, depending on the phase of your cycle to support two specific hormones: estrogen and progesterone.

Imbalances in these two hormones specifically can lead to painful periods, irregular periods, skin challenges, bloating, breast tenderness, and other symptoms of hormonal imbalances.

Seed cycling not only works to help relieve PMS but it can also support those with irregular cycles, amenorrhea, PMDD, PCOS, endometriosis, or individuals going through perimenopause, menopause, and even the post menopausal stage.

Meet the Four Seeds To Cycle:

Seed cycling uses the following four seeds, rotated throughout a 28-day cycle.

Flaxseeds: Flaxseeds are packed with omega-3s, lignans, magnesium and fiber. These tiny but mighty seeds contain phytoestrogens which have a modulating effect on estrogen imbalance, a common cause of PMS. The fiber in these seeds also promotes a healthy gut microbiome and supports healthy blood sugar levels.

Pumpkin Seeds: Pumpkin seeds contain magnesium, zinc, iron, tryptophan, and antioxidants such as carotenoids and vitamin E, all of which support hormone health and regulation. In addition to supporting restful sleep and mood regulation, these seeds also contain properties that help boost progesterone, a critical hormone for ovulation and lowering PMS symptoms.

Sunflower Seeds: Sunflower seeds are full of nutrients including selenium, vitamin E, thiamine, and linoleic fatty acids in addition to antioxidants like flavonoids and phenolic acids. These nutrients have been shown to regulate blood sugar, reduce inflammation, and regulate hormones.

Sesame Seeds: Sesame seeds contain manganese, calcium, vitamin E, zinc, selenium, and lignans that have been shown to reduce inflammation, regulate blood sugar, support PMS reduction, and improve the gut microbiome.

Does Seed Cycling Work?

While seed cycling as it’s practiced today is a relatively new phenomenon popularized over the last decade, these seeds have long been used medicinally in Ayurvedic and Chinese traditional medicine for reproductive health. What we need now are more well-funded studies to show the benefits of these traditional methods, which we’ve seen work so well anecdotally and within our beta trials.

Typically it takes about three months to see positive changes, but we’ve seen women experience benefits within weeks of using seeds.

How to Seed Cycle

Phase 1: During your follicular phase (days 1-14 of your cycle), take one tablespoon of ground flax and one tablespoon pumpkin seeds to support estrogen levels at the beginning of your cycle, which can help to improve ovulation and reduce PMS symptoms.

Phase 2: In your luteal phase (days 15-28 of your cycle), you switch to one tablespoon of sesame and one tablespoon of sunflower seeds to keep estrogen levels from spiking or dropping too suddenly, while also supporting your progesterone levels, keeping symptoms such as cramping and breast tenderness at bay.


We made Beeya to create a stress-free way to incorporate seed cycling into your life. We’ve also added hemp seeds for extra protein and chamomile to promote feelings of calm and relaxation.

Our seed cycling protocol takes the guesswork out of the process so you can simply sprinkle a couple tablespoons into dishes you already know and love and start improving your hormones today. Our blends are 100% organic, non-GMO, gluten-free and third party tested to ensure you are getting the highest quality ingredients.

Win 3 Months of Beeya’s Seed Cycling Bundles

We’re also hosting a giveaway with TCM! Comment below with your favorite hormone balancing tips for your chance to win three months of Beeya Seed Cycling bundles. We’ll choose three winners!

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