/F*ck Trends: Here Are 6 Wellness Rituals We’ll Never Quit

F*ck Trends: Here Are 6 Wellness Rituals We’ll Never Quit

Turmeric lattes. Avocado toast. Acai bowls. We can almost tell you what we were wearing when each of these wellness foods hit peak popularity.

Like their fashion counterparts, wellness trends have become inextricably linked to the year (or month) they peak. (Were you or were you not wearing low slung skinny jeans when you had your first acai bowl?)

We’ve been thrilled to the core to watch as certain wellness rituals or foods have risen to “It Bag” status over the years, that said, wellness is not fashion. And it’s reasonable to consider whether your diet should change as rapidly as your wardrobe choices this year.

Sometimes it takes a strong trend to break a superfood into the mainstream and, as you may have picked up on, we’re all about that! But there are also wellness rituals whose popularity comes and goes, but we’ll never quit.

Consider the six rituals we’ve selected below at the “little black dresses” of wellness. No matter the season, they should always find a place in your regular rotation…

6 Wellness Rituals We’ll Never Quit

Lemon water in the morning. Every damn day. If there’s one wellness ritual you start daily, this one should be it. Lemon water will wake and flush your system, cleanse and rehydrate your body after a night’s sleep and start your day on a healthy note that’ll set the tone for the whole day.

You can keep a beautiful bowl of lemons and a reamer on hand for your new daily ritual or freeze a batch of lemon juice into ice cubes that you add to water each morning. Raw apple cider vinegar is another good option, if you prefer it to lemon. Add a tablespoon to a glass of water and learn more about the benefits in this piece. LEARN MORE

Sweat every week. Sauna. Infrared bed. Intervals. Hot yoga. Whatever! Just get that heart pumping and that skin sweating. The skin is your body’s largest organ and nothing detoxifies and gets us glowing faster than a good sweat.

We’re hooked on sweats in our infrared sauna. Check out our review of our favorite saunas here. LEARN MORE 

Green juice. Is there any more powerful food than sun-fueled, chlorophyll-rich greens? Whether you juice at home (meet our favorite juicer) or swipe up bottles from your local juice spot, green juice is one of the most nutrient-dense foods you can consume daily. Despite it’s intense trend status, green juice has been a wellness staple for decades and hard-core health nerds will have their juicers whirring for years to come. LEARN MORE

deep Hydration. Whether you ascribe to the 8 glasses a day rule or not, start your day with hydration and find ways to hydrate through out the day. Remember herbal teas, water infusions, hydrating foods, and broths can all be hydrating as well. If you have a hard time remembering to drink enough water, find a gorgeous water bottle you love and start toting it everywhere.  LEARN MORE

Eat whole foods. Not from Whole Foods, necessarily. But eat a diverse, whole foods diet from an array of clean, wild or responsibly farmed sources. No matter your style of diet, if you’re sourcing those drinks, snacks and meals from non-chemical laden resources, you’ve got a head start on your health. LEARN MORE

Let it go. Regularly take stock of self, life and relationships. Process what needs processing, then let that sh*t go. Forgiveness is healing. And a lack of it has been shown to relate to disease. We recommend journalling, meditation, nature walks and fostering meaningful friendships to keep those emotions healthy and strong. LEARN MORE

This is a TCM Classic we first ran in 2018. Read Next: Our 2022 Wellness Trend Report: On Inclusion, Mental Health + Personalized Wellness

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