This article explains Madava nidana 68th chapter “Bala Roga Nidanam”. Causes, pathology and symptoms of Bala Roga are explained in this chapter. Sheetapitta means urticaria, Bala Roga means paediatric diseases.

Balarogas caused by milk vitiated by Vata
When the child drinks milk which is vitiated by increased vata (in the lactating mother) it will become afflicted with diseases of vata origin. As a result, the child’s voice becomes feeble and the child gets emaciated. The faeces, urine and flatus will not get eliminated. (1)
Balarogas caused by milk vitiated by Pitta
Drinking milk which is vitiated by pitta will make the child get afflicted with excessive sweating, diarrhea, jaundice or other diseases of pitta origin. The child will suffer from severe thirst and the body will become extremely hot (increased body temperature). (2)
Balarogas caused by milk vitiated by Kapha
Drinking milk which is vitiated by increased kapha, will cause excessive salivation in the child. The child would be afflicted by many diseases of kapha origin. Apart from this excessive sleep, inactiveness, swelling of the face and eyes and vomiting are also present. (3)
Balarogas caused by simultaneous vitiation of milk by two or three doshas together
Milk vitiated by the increase of two doshas would produce symptoms of two doshas together and the milk vitiated by the increase of all three doshas together would produce symptoms of all three doshas together.
Read – Graha Roga: Psychiatric Disorders of Children
Antargata Vedana Jgnana Upaya
Methods of knowing (diagnosing) different types of pains in the child
Recognizing the nature and intensity of pain – The nature of pain (or discomfort) in the child i.e., whether the pain is severe or less severe shall be recognized by the nature of crying, i.e., if the child is crying loudly, it indicates that the pain is severe and if the child is crying mildly it means to tell that the intensity of the pain is less severe.
Knowing the seat of pain – The part of the body which the child touches by its hands repeatedly or the part of the body which the child does not allow anyone to touch shall be recognized as the painful part (part affected by the disease).
Recognizing Headache or other diseases of the head – When the child keeps his eyes closed, it should be understood that the child is suffering from headache.
Recognizing pain or diseases of the abdomen – It should be inferred (understood) that the child is suffering from pain (or diseases) in the abdomen when the child has constipation, vomiting, biting of breast (of mother), gurgling noises in the intestines, distension of abdomen, bending (backward or forward) of back or abdomen.
Recognizing pain or diseases of urinary bladder and genitals / groins – Obstruction to the passage of faeces and urine, fear and unsteady vision (seeing in either directions and getting scared / terrified) indicate pain or disease in urinary bladder / genitals in children.
This is the reason that the physician should carefully observe the channels (orifices), body parts, joints and other places of the body of the child frequently. (4-7)
Read – Symptoms That Hint Towards Different Diseases In Babies
Kukūņaka is a disease which occurs in the eyelids of the children. It is caused due to the effect of the child (infant) drinking the vitiated breast milk.
In this condition there will be itching and repeated discharges (exudates) from the eye / eyes. The child will repeatedly rub its forehead, region around the eye (orbit) and nose. The child will be incapable of seeing the sunlight and also in making movements of the eyelids (opening, closing). (8-9)
Children drinking milk of the pregnant mother (i.e., mother of the child whom she is feeding, who has concurrently become pregnant) will develop cough, loss of digestion capacity (poor digestive capacity), vomiting, stupor, emaciation, loss of taste / appetite, giddiness and enlargement of abdomen. This disease is known by the name Parigarbhika or Paribhava. This condition shall be treated with herbs / medicines which increases digestion (power of digestion). (10-11)
Read – Graha Roga: Psychiatric Disorders of Children
Kapha undergoing increase in the muscles of the palate of the child produces a disease known as Talukaṇṭaka. In this condition, a depression appears in the upper part of the palate. The palate hangs down; the child will have aversion towards breasts and the child drinks breast milk with difficulty. The child will also have watery stools (diarrhoea), thirst, pain in the eyes, throat (neck) and mouth, instability of neck (inability to hold the neck / head upright) and vomiting. (12-13)

Visarpa (erysipelas) developing in the urinary bladder and on the head in children is dreadful and life threatening. This condition caused by all the three doshas increased together will be red in colour resembling that of petals of red coloured lotus flower and hence called by the name Mahapadma. This disease may spread from temples to the region of the heart (chest) or from the chest to the anal / rectal region. (14)
Ajagallika and Ahiputana
The two diseases Ajagallika and Ahipūtana which have been described under ksudrarogas will also occur commonly in children. (15)
Read – Ajagallika Meaning, Symptoms, Treatment
Jwara (fever) & other diseases occurring in children
Jwara (fever) and all other major diseases which are explained earlier (which manifest in adults) will also affect the children. They should be recognized by the learned physicians in the same way (as they would recognize and diagnose them in adults) by their specific symptoms. (16)
Grahajusta Laksanas
Symptoms of child affected by grahas (spirits)
(When the child is affected by grahas – spirits) the child suddenly becomes agitated (perturbed, frightened, terrified, irritable), frightened and begins to cry without any apparent cause. The child scratches / injures self and also the wet-nurse (mother) by his nails and teeth, would stare upwards, bites/ grinds his own teeth, moans / makes indistinct sounds of helplessness and yawns frequently. He moves (throws, scatters) the brows (frown), teeth and lips here and there, vomits froth frequently. The child becomes excessively emaciated, does not sleep at night, has swelling around his eyes, diarrhoea and broken voice. The child’s body emits the smell of flesh and blood and he would not take the food like before.
These are the general symptoms seen when the child is possessed by the Grahas i.e., evil spirits. (17-19)
Read – Skanda Graha and Skandapasmara Graha Afflicting Children
Symptoms of child possessed by Skandagraha
Below mentioned are the symptoms of child possessed by Skandagraha –
- Tearing from one eye (left or right eye)
- Excessive sweating from one side (half) of the body
- Pulsations / shivering in one side of the body
- Convulsions / tremors on one side of the body
- Gaze of the child is fixed upwards
- Deviation of one side of the face
- Smell of blood emitted from the face / skin
- Biting / grinding of the teeth
- Fretfulness
- Does not like (relish) drinking breast milk
- Crying less (crying mildly) (20-21)
Symptoms of child possessed by Skandapasmara
Below mentioned are the symptoms of child possessed by Skandapasmara –
- Fainting along with frothy vomiting
- Too much crying after gaining consciousness
- Smell of pus and blood emitted from the body of the child (22)
Symptoms of child possessed by Sakunigraha
Below mentioned are the symptoms of child possessed by Sakunigraha –
- Drooping of the limbs / body parts
- Fretfulness
- Alarmed / shocked
- Smell resembling that of the aquatic birds emitted from the body of the child,
- Many ulcers / papules along with discharges spread out all over the body
- Many blisters spread out all over the body along with burning sensation and suppuration (23)
Read – Child Seized By Pitru And Shakuni Graha – Symptoms, Treatment
Symptoms of child possessed by Revatigraha
Below mentioned are the symptoms of child possessed by Revatigraha –
Symptoms of child possessed by Putanagraha
Below mentioned are the symptoms of child possessed by Putanagraha –
- Diarrhoea
- Fever
- Thirst
- Looking side-wards
- Crying
- Loss of sleep
- Irritability (25)
Symptoms of child possessed by Andhaputana
Below mentioned are the symptoms of child possessed by Andhaputana graha –

Symptoms of child possessed by Sitaputana
Below mentioned are the symptoms of child possessed by Sitaputana graha –
- Tremors / abnormal movements in the body parts
- Cough
- Emaciation
- Eye disorders
- Abnormal smell emitted from the body
- Vomiting
- Diarrhoea (27)
Symptoms of child possessed by Mukhamandika Graha
Below mentioned are the symptoms of child possessed by Mukhamandika graha –
Symptoms of child possessed by Naigamesa Graha
Below mentioned are the symptoms of child possessed by Naigamesa graha –
Prognosis of possession by evil spirits
The grahas (possession by evil spirits) will kill the child in quick time in the presence of the below mentioned symptoms (symptoms of bad prognosis) –
- Loss of movements in the eyes (and other sense organs)
- Aversion towards breast / breast milk
- Frequent fainting
- Appearance of all the symptoms of grahas (30)
Thus ends the chapter on BalaRoga Nidanam in Madhava Nidana text written by Acharya Madhavakara.