/Sushruta Samhita Chapter 29 Viparitaviparita Swapna Nidarshaniya Adhyaya

Sushruta Samhita Chapter 29 Viparitaviparita Swapna Nidarshaniya Adhyaya

This article explains Sushruta Samhita Sutrasthana Chapter 29 “Viparitaviparita Swapna Nidarshaniya Adhyaya” – Knowledge of inauspicious and auspicious dreams.

Viparitaviparita Swapna Nidarshaniya

Knowledge of dreams etc.

अथातो विपरीताविपरीतस्वप्ननिदर्शनीयमध्यायं व्याख्यास्यामः ||१||
यथोवाच भगवान् धन्वन्तरिः ||२||

We will now expound the chapter by name Viparitaviparita Swapna nidrasaniya- knowledge of inauspicious and auspicious dreams; as revealed by the venerable Dhanvantari.
Read – Lord Dhanwantari ‘The God of Ayurveda’

Rista Sambhandhi Bhava

Factors influencing prognosis

दूतदर्शनसम्भाषा वेषाश्चेष्टितमेव च |
ऋक्षं वेला तिथिश्चैव निमित्तं शकुनोऽनिलः ||३||
देशो वैद्यस्य वाग्देहमनसां च विचेष्टितम् |
कथयन्त्यातुरगतं शुभं वा यदि वाऽशुभम् ||४||

The good or bad (auspiciousness or inauspiciousness) of the condition of the patient will be determined by

  • Related to the duta (messenger) – sight, conversation, dress and activities of the Duta (messenger who comes to call the physician), star (constellation), time, Thithi of the day, omen, portents, breeze,
  • Related to the physician – region (habitat of the physician) and activities of speech, body and mind (of the physician) these indicate the good or bad of the condition of the patient.
    Read – Arishta Lakshanas – Ominous Signs And Symptoms Indicating Bad Prognosis

Subha Asubha Duta

Good and Bad messenger

Subha Duta – Good messenger

सपक्षाः कर्मसिद्धये |
त एव विपरीताः स्युर्दूताः कर्मविपत्तये ||५||

Subha Duta – Auspicious messengers are those belonging to the same category (of the patient) such as pasanda (person of non- Vedic sects such as Kapalika, Saugata etc), Asrama (stages of life e.g – studentship, householder, hermit and ascetic) and varna (caste – Brahmana, Ksatriya, Vaisya and shudra) portend success in treatment, whereas the messenger belonging to the other category portend failure in treatment. 
Read – Prognosis Signs Based On The Messenger – Doota Adhishtita Arishta

Asubha Duta

Inauspicious messenger

नपुंसकं स्त्री बहवो नैककार्या असूयकाः |
गर्दभोष्ट्ररथप्राप्ताः प्राप्ता वा स्युः परम्पराः ||६||
वैद्यं य उपसर्पन्ति दूतास्ते चापि गर्हिताः
पाशदण्डायुधधराः पाण्डुरेतरवाससः ||७||
आर्द्रजीर्णापसव्यैकमलिनोद्ध्वस्तवाससः |
न्यूनाधिकाङ्गा उद्विग्ना विकृता रौद्ररूपिणः ||८||

Messenger  who is a eunuch, woman, more  than  one, having many other works also, who is jealous, comes riding on a  donkey, camel, or chariot, messenger coming one after the other in succession approaching the physician is despicable (inauspicious).

He who holds a rope, baton or weapon in his hand, wearing clothes of colours other than white (black, red etc) which are wet, old, worn in the wrong manner, single, dirty, or torn, who have less or more body parts than usual, who are agitated, deformed in body and terrifying in appearance – such messengers are inauspicious.
Read – Bad Prognosis Based On Smell, Touch, Taste, Colour And Voice

छिन्दन्तस्तृणकाष्ठानि स्पृशन्तो नासिकां स्तनम् ||९||
वस्त्रान्तानामिकाकेशनखरोमदशास्पृशः |
स्रोतोवरोधहृद्गण्डमूर्धोरःकुक्षिपाणयः ||१०||
कपालोपलभस्मास्थितुषाङ्गारकराश्च ये |
विलिखन्तो महीं किञ्चिन्मुञ्चन्तो लोष्टभेदिनः ||११||
तैलकर्दमदिग्धाङ्गा रक्तस्रगनुलेपनाः |
फलं पक्वमसारं वा गृहीत्वाऽन्यच्च तद्विधम् ||१२||
नखैर्नखान्तरं वाऽपि करेण चरणं तथा |
उपानच्चर्महस्ता वा विकृतव्याधिपीडिताः ||१३||
वामाचारा रुदन्तश्च श्वासिनो विकृतेक्षणाः |
याम्यां दिशि प्राञ्जलयो विषमैकपदे स्थिताः ||१४||
वैद्यं य उपसर्पन्ति दूतास्ते चापि गर्हिताः |१५|

He who speaks in a harsh manner, in abusive language and in an unholy style / inauspicious / malevolent way also is considered to be bad.
He who is indulged in cutting grass or wood, touching his own nose and breasts often, touches (pick at) the edges of the cloth by his ring finger, picks at the hairs, nails or body hairs, who keeps his hand on the orifices (mouth, nose etc), on the heart (chest), cheeks, head, chest and abdomen; he who is holding pieces of potsherd, stone, ash, bone, husk or coal, who is scratching the ground using nails or stick,  throwing stone or soil, who have  smeared their body with oil or slush, who is adorned with red coloured garlands or unguents; holding a ripe (over-ripe) or a juiceless fruits or other similar objects in his hand; who scratches the nail bed with another nail: or the feet with his hands or pulling the leather bands of his footwear with his hand; who is himself suffering from diseases (which deform the skin), indulges in forbidden activities, and weeping, suffering from dyspnoea (of exertion), distortion of the eyes; who bows in the southern direction, stands on only one leg and improperly – such kind of messengers approaching the physician are bad (inauspicious, portend failure).
Read – Charaka Indriya Sthana 2nd Chapter Pushpitakam indriyam

दक्षिणाभिमुखं देशे त्वशुचौ वा हुताशनम् |
ज्वलयन्तं पचन्तं वा क्रूरकर्मणि चोद्यतम् ||१५||
नग्नं भूमौ शयानं वा वेगोत्सर्गेषु वाऽशुचिम् |
प्रकीर्णकेशमभ्यक्तं स्विन्नं विक्लवमेव वा ||१६||
वैद्यं य उपसर्पन्ति दूतास्ते चापि गर्हिताः |१७|

The messenger is also said to be auspicious when he –

  • comes from (enters into the house) southern direction
  • sits on dirty places,
  • is engaged in lighting fire or in cooking over fire, or
  • is engaged in cruel acts,
  • is naked,
  • sleeps / lies on ground,
  • is in the act of voiding excrement,
  • is dirty,
  • is spreading his hairs,
  • has anointed oil on his body
  • has undergone sudation; and
  • has an agitating mind (when he approaches / reaches the physician)
    Read – How To Make Prognosis Of Disease According To Ayurveda?

वैद्यस्य पैत्र्ये दैवे वा कार्ये चोत्पातदर्शने ||१७||
मध्याह्ने चार्धरात्रे वा सन्ध्ययोः कृत्तिकासु च |
आर्द्राश्लेषामघामूलपूर्वासु भरणीषु च ||१८||
चतुर्थ्यां वा नवम्यां वा षष्ठ्यां सन्धिदिनेषु च |
वैद्यं य उपसर्पन्ति दूतास्ते चापि गर्हिताः ||१९||

The messenger is said to be inauspicious when he approaches the physician during –

  • during the performance of rituals of his forefathers or of Gods;
  • the time of appearance of unnatural events (comets, thunderbolt, hurricane, cyclone etc)
  • midday,
  • midnight, or
  • the two unions (early morning and early night),
  • the star constellation of Krittika, Ardra, Aslesa, Magha, Mula, and bharani,
  • the fourth, ninth and sixth days of the fortnights or
  • the days of union (full moon and new moon days)

स्विन्नाभितप्ता मध्याह्ने ज्वलनस्य समीपतः |
गर्हिताः पित्तरोगेषु दूता वैद्यमुपागताः ||२०||
त एव कफरोगेषु कर्मसिद्धिकराः स्मृताः |
एतेन शेषं व्याख्यातं बुद्ध्वा संविभजेत्तु तत् ||२१||
रक्तपित्तातिसारेषु प्रमेहेषु तथैव च |
प्रशस्तो जलरोधेषु दूतवैद्यसमागमः ||२२||
विज्ञायैवं विभागं तु शेषं बुध्येत पण्डितः |२३|

The messenger who is severely sweating, approaching the physician during midday or near a heap of fire is inauspicious in diseases arising from Pitta. On the other hand, the same portends success (in treatment) in diseases arising from kapha.
In cases of raktapitta (bleeding disorders), atisara (diarrhoea) and prameha (diabetes) meeting of messenger and physician at or near the bridge (constructed over water reservoir) is considered to be auspicious.
In this way, even other diseases have to be understood.

Subha Duta

Auspicious messenger

 शुक्लवासाः शुचिर्गौरः श्यामो वा प्रियदर्शनः ||२३||
स्वस्यां जातौ स्वगोत्रो वा दूतः कार्यकरः स्मृतः |
गोयानेनागतस्तुष्टः पादाभ्यां शुभचेष्टितः ||२४||
स्मृतिमान् विधिकालज्ञः स्वतन्त्रः प्रतिपत्तिमान् |
अलङ्कृतो मङ्गलवान् दूतः कार्यकरः स्मृतः ||२५||
स्वस्थं प्राङ्मुखमासीनं समे देशे शुचौ शुचिम् |
उपसर्पति यो वैद्यं स च कार्यकरः स्मृतः ||२६||

The messenger who is wearing white dress, clean, white or brown in colour, pleasing to look at, belonging to the same caste or family lineage portends success in treatment.

Similarly, a messenger portends success when he –

  • has come riding on an ox drawn chariot,
  • is satisfied in his feet (not having pain in the legs),
  • is engaged in auspicious activities,
  • has good memory,
  • understands the effects of proper time,
  • is independent (free to speak and act),
  • understands the dangers, 
  • is decorated in an auspicious manner

He who approaches the physician who is healthy, sitting facing east in an even and clean place portends success in treatment.

Subha Nimitta

Auspicious Omen

मांसोदकुम्भातपत्रविप्रवारणगोवृषाः |
शुक्लवर्णाश्च पूज्यन्ते प्रस्थाने दर्शनं गताः ||२७||
स्त्री पुत्रिणी सवत्सा गौर्वर्धमानमलङ्कृता |
कन्या मत्स्याः फलं चामं स्वस्तिकं मोदका दधि ||२८||
हिरण्याक्षतपात्रं वा रत्नानि सुमनो नृपः |
अप्रशान्तोऽनलो वाजी हंसश्चापः शिखी तथा ||२९||
ब्रह्मदुन्दुभिजीमूतशङ्खवेणुरथस्वनाः |
सिंहगोवृषनादाश्च ह्रे(हे)षितं गजबृंहितम् ||३०||
शस्तं हंसरुतं नॄणां कौशिकं चैव वामतः |
प्रस्थाने यायिनः श्रेष्ठा वाचश्च हृदयङ्गमाः |३२|

When the physician sees the below mentioned on his way to the patient’s house it is considered as auspicious –

  • such as meat (fresh and uncooked),
  • pot of water,
  • umbrella,
  • Brahman,
  • elephant,
  • cow,
  • bull,
  • things of white colour,
  • woman with child,
  • cow with its calf,
  • virgin girls growing with age (into teenage) who are decorated,
  • fish,
  • unripe fruits,
  • svastika sign,
  • balls of sweet,
  • curd,
  • gold, 
  • vessel having coloured rice, 
  • utensils,
  • gems,
  • flowers,
  • king,
  • burning fire,
  • horse,
  • swan,
  • bow or peacock,
  • hearing the sounds of  Brahmana chanting the Vedas, dundubhi (drum), jimuta (clouds) conch, flute, chariot,
  • roar the lion, bull, horse or elephant,
  • sound of weeping of the swan,
  • men (or women) and owl coming from the left side and
  • words pleasing to the mind
    Read – Importance of Pushya Nakshatra in Ayurveda and Medical Astrology

Subha Asubha Sakunam

Portends of birds

पत्रपुष्पफलोपेतान् सक्षीरान्नीरुजो द्रुमान् |
आश्रिता वा नभोवेश्मध्वजतोरणवेदिकाः ||३२||
दिक्षु शान्तासु वक्तारो मधुरं पृष्ठतोऽनुगाः |
वामा वा दक्षिणा वाऽपि शकुनाः कर्मसिद्धये ||३३||

Seeing birds sitting on healthy trees full of leaves, flowers and fruits and sap, or flying in the sky, sitting on houses, flag staff, pillars and bunting of plants and decorated pedestals,  birds crying/ uttering sweetly either from the back, from the front, left or right sides – these indicate success.

शुष्केऽशनिहतेऽपत्रे वल्लीनद्धे सकण्टके |
वृक्षेऽथवाऽश्मभस्मास्थिविट्तुषाङ्गारपांशुषु ||३४||
चैत्यवल्मीकविषमस्थिता दीप्तखरस्वराः |
पुरतो दिक्षु दीप्तासु वक्तारो नार्थसाधकाः ||३५||

Seeing birds sitting on trees without leaves, hit by lightning, embraced by creepers, and full of thorns or sitting on rocks, heap of ash, bones, excreta, husk, dust, tree in a burial ground, anthill and sitting precariously or making loud and harsh cries from the front and directions which are glowing (such as Agneya,Yamya and nairutya respectively) – these are not indicative of success.

पुन्नामानः खगा वामाः स्त्रीसञ्ज्ञा दक्षिणाः शुभाः |
दक्षिणाद्वामगमनं प्रशस्तं श्वशृगालयोः |
वामं नकुलचाषाणां नोभयं शशसर्पयोः ||३६||
भासकौशिकयोश्चैव न प्रशस्तं किलोभयम् |
दर्शनं वा रुतं वाऽपि न गोधाकृकलासयोः ||३७||
दूतैरनिष्टैस्तुल्यानामशस्तं दर्शनं नृणाम् |
कुलत्थतिलकार्पासतुषपाषाणभस्मनाम् ||३८||
पात्रं नेष्टं तथाऽङ्गारतैलकर्दमपूरितम् |
प्रसन्नेतरमद्यानां पूर्णं वा रक्तसर्षपैः ||३९||
शवकाष्ठपलाशानां शुष्काणां पथि सङ्गमाः |
नेष्यन्ते पतितान्तस्थदीनान्धरिपवस्तथा ||४०||

Birds of masculine name flying on the left side and those of feminine names flying on the right side are auspicious.
Movement of dog and jackal from the right to left, and of mongoose and blue joy (bird) moving left are auspicious, while that of rabbit, snake, Bhasa (white head vulture) and Kausika (owl) from any side is inauspicious.

Seeing or hearing the sound of Iguana lizard and chameleons are inauspicious.
Seeing undesirable persons as messengers, vessels filled with horse gram, sesame, cotton, husk, stones, ash, burning, burning coal, oil and slush.
Vessels filled with wines other than prasanna (scum of sura) or rakta sarsapa are inauspicious.
Seeing a dead body, wood and dried palasha (wood or branches) is inauspicious.
Meeting with persons who are sinners, belong to the last caste, who are (destitute), blind and foes are inauspicious.

Subhasubha Anila

Good and bad wind

मृदुः शीतोऽनुकूलश्च सुगन्धिश्चानिलः शुभः |
खरोष्णोऽनिष्टगन्धश्च प्रतिलोमश्च गर्हितः ||४१||

Wind (breeze) which is soft, cold, comforting, and with a good smell is auspicious; whereas that which is rough, hot with an unpleasant smell and coming directly from the front (on the face) is inauspicious.

Subha Asubha Sabada

Good and bad sound

ग्रन्थ्यर्बुदादिषु सदा छेदशब्दस्तु पूजितः |
विद्रध्युदरगुल्मेषु भेदशब्दस्तथैव च ||४२||
रक्तपित्तातिसारेषु रुद्धशब्दः प्रशस्यते |
एवं व्याधिविशेषेण निमित्तमुपधारयेत् ||४३||

Hearing the sound of cutting things is always good in diseases like tumours (benign) and malignant tumours etc. The sound of puncturing / piercing in abscess, abdominal enlargement and tumors of the abdomen etc is considered good. Sounds of stopping or obstructing bleeding diseases, diarrhoea etc are auspicious. In this way the omens are to be understood in different kinds of diseases.
Read – Gulma- Abdominal Tumor- A Unique Disease In Ayurveda

तथैवाक्रुष्टहाकष्टमाक्रन्दरुदितस्वनाः |
छर्द्यां वातपुरीषाणां शब्दो वै गर्दभोष्ट्रयोः ||४४||

Similarly hearing the sound of shouting or cries of any person being assaulted ,crying loudly, crying softly (weeping), sound of  passing of flatus, faces, vomiting, and cries of the donkey and camel are inauspicious (or these sounds are inauspicious in vomiting or for those suffering from vomiting disease).

Subha Asubha vaidya chesta

Good and bad actions of the physician

प्रतिषिद्धं तथा भग्नं क्षुतं स्खलितमाहतम् |
दौर्मनस्यं च वैद्यस्य यात्रायां न प्रशस्यते ||४५||
प्रवेशेऽप्येतदुद्देशादवेक्ष्यं च तथाऽऽतुरे |
प्रतिद्वारं गृहे चास्य पुनरेतन्न गण्यते ||४६||
केशभस्मास्थिकाष्ठाश्मतुषकार्पासकण्टकाः |
खट्वोर्ध्वपादा मद्यापो वसा तैलं तिलास्तृणम् ||४७||
नपुंसकव्यङ्गभग्ननग्नमुण्डासिताम्बराः |
प्रस्थाने वा प्रवेशे वा नेष्यन्ते दर्शनं गताः ||४८||

The physician, while starting from his house (to go to the house of the patient) or during his journey, if he hears words of somebody stopping him from going to the patient’s home, sounds of destruction / breakage of a part of the body or anything in the surrounding, sound of sneezing, the physician slipping down or some object slipping off from his hands, or gets hurt (injured) and he is in a bad state of mind – all these are considered as inauspicious (not good signs).
The omens (ominous signs) enumerated so far, in brief, happening at the time of entering the house of the patient should  be considered (as good or bad) but these happening  during the stay  inside, is not to be considered (as good or bad).
Seeing things such as hairs, ash, bones, faggots, stone, husk, cotton, thorns and cot with its legs up, vessels of wines, water, fat, oil, tila (sesame) or grass; of persons such as eunuchs, who is having pigmented patches on the face, who is fractured, who is nude, of shaven head, wearing black cloth etc. are not inauspicious at the time of entering in and coming out of the patient’s house.

Subha Asubha  rogicesta

Good and Bad actions of the patient

भाण्डानां सङ्करस्थानां स्थानात् सञ्चारणं तथा |
निखातोत्पाटनं भङ्गः पतनं निर्गमस्तथा ||४९||
वैद्यासनावसादो वा रोगी वा स्यादधोमुखः |
वैद्यं सम्भाषमाणोऽङ्गं कुड्यमास्तरणानि वा ||५०||
प्रमृज्याद्वा धुनीयाद्वा करौ पृष्ठं शिरस्तथा |
हस्तं चाकृष्य वैद्यस्य न्यसेच्छिरसि चोरसि ||५१||
यो वैद्यमुन्मुखः पश्यन्नुन्मार्ष्टि स्वाङ्गमातुरः |
न स सिध्यति वैद्यो वा गृहे यस्य न पूज्यते ||५२||
भवने पूज्यते वाऽपि यस्य वैद्यः स सिध्यति |५३|

The following events taking place when the physician  is present  in the house of the patient are inauspicious – such as pots (vessels) which are arranged in order moving from their places or falling down, digging the ground, plucking something, something getting distorted or broken, something slipping from the hand, & getting out of the house (in any manner).

Similarly, the seat or chair of the physician slipping or breaking down (when the physician sits on the chair after entering the patient’s home), the patient sleeping with his face downward during conversation or scratching his body or the coverings and the bed, shaking his hand, back or head (vigorously); pulling the hands of the physician and keeping them on his head or chest, seeing the physician with upward gaze and asking him something, squeezing / cleanses his body in the upward direction (all these are inauspicious).
The physician does not succeed in the house where he is not worshiped (respected) and succeeds in the house he is respected.

शुभं शुभेषु दूतादिष्वशुभं ह्यशुभेषु च ||५३||
आतुरस्य ध्रुवं तस्माद्दूतादीन् लक्षयेद्भिषक् |५४|

 The patient surely obtains good effects and bad effects from auspicious and inauspicious messengers etc. respectively. Hence the physician should carefully observe (and understand) these (messengers).

Svapna – dreams

स्वप्नानतः प्रवक्ष्यामि मरणाय शुभाय च ||५४||
सुहृदो यांश्च पश्यन्ति व्याधितो वा स्वयं तथा |
स्नेहाभ्यक्तशरीरस्तु करभव्यालगर्दभैः ||५५||
वराहैर्महिषैर्वाऽपि यो यायाद्दक्षिणामुखः |
रक्ताम्बरधरा कृष्णा हसन्ती मुक्तमूर्धजा ||५६||
यं चाकर्षति बद्ध्वा स्त्री नृत्यन्ती दक्षिणामुखम् |
अन्तावसायिभिर्यो वाऽऽकृष्यते दक्षिणामुखः ||५७||
परिष्वजेरन् यं वाऽपि प्रेताः प्रव्रजिता(न)स्तथा |
मुहुराघ्रायते यस्तु श्वापदैर्विकृताननैः ||५८||
पिबेन्मधु च तैलं च यो वा पङ्केऽवसीदति |
पङ्कप्रदिग्धगात्रो वा प्रनृत्येत् प्रहसेत्तथा ||५९||
निरम्बरश्च यो रक्तां धारयेच्छिरसा स्रजम् |
यस्य वंशो नलो वाऽपि तालो वोरसि जायते ||६०||
यं वा मत्स्यो ग्रसेद्यो वा जननीं प्रविशेन्नरः |
पर्वताग्रात् पतेद्यो वा श्वभ्रे वा तमसाऽऽवृते ||६१||
ह्रियेत स्रोतसा यो वा यो वा मौण्ड्यमवाप्नुयात् |
पराजीयेत बध्येत काकाद्यैर्वाऽभिभूयते ||६२||
पतनं तारकादीनां प्रणाशं दीपचक्षुषोः |
यः पश्येद्देवतानां वा प्रकम्पमवनेस्तथा ||६३||
यस्य छर्दिर्विरेको वा दशनाः प्रपतन्ति वा |
शाल्मलीं किंशुकं यूपं वल्मीकं पारिभद्रकम् ||६४||
पुष्पाढ्यं कोविदारं वा चितां वा योऽधिरोहति |
कार्पासतैलपिण्याकलोहानि लवणं तिलान् ||६५||
लभेताश्नीत वा पक्वमन्नं यश्च पिबेत् सुराम् |
स्वस्थः स लभते व्याधिं व्याधितो मृत्युमृच्छति ||६६||

Now I will describe dreams which foretell death as well as happiness, seen by the friends (of the patient) or by the patient himself.
Read – Bad Prognosis Of Diseases Based On Dreams and Shadows

Asubha svapna – Inauspicious dreams

  • The person sees himself anointing his body with oil, sitting on a camel, carnivorous animals (wild animals), donkey, pig / boar, buffalo and going / travelling (taken by these animals) in the south direction.
  • He sees himself being forcibly pulled and going southwards after being tied by a woman (the woman ties the man and takes him southwards) wearing red cloth, is black in color (black complexion), laughing, with loose hairs and dancing.
  • He sees himself being dragged towards the south direction by persons of lowest caste, and being embraced by ghosts and hermits (mystics, sorceresses etc.).
  • He sees himself being sniffed by wild animals with terrifying faces.
  • He sees himself drinking honey or oil; and as sinking in slush (mud), sees himself smearing himself with slush (mud) all over the body, dances or laughs.
  • He sees himself being naked or wearing a red garland on his head and sees Vamsa (bamboo), Nala, or Tala trees growing on his chest.
  • He sees himself being swallowed by a fish or as entering into (the womb) the mother, seeing himself falling from the peak of a mountain, or into a deep ravine which is dark or being pulled through a tunnel.
  • He is carried over by the flow of water bodies, sees his head being shaved, himself being defeated or tied down and being surrounded by crows, vultures etc.
  • He sees the falling down of stars etc, destruction of lamps and eyes and Gods and also sees earthquakes.
  • He sees himself vomiting, purging or his teeth falling off.
  • He sees himself climbing trees such as Salmali, or Kimsuka, the sacrificial post (to which animals are tied to be slaughtered) anthill, Paribhadraka, Kovidara, trees full of flowers, or a funeral pyre.
  • He sees himself obtaining or eating cotton, oil, paste or sesame, iron vessels, salt or sesame, or as eating cooked rice, or drinking beer.
  • If a healthy person sees these kinds of dreams, he gets diseased and if a diseased person sees, he dies.

Viphala Svapna

Ineffective dreams

यथास्वं प्रकृतिस्वप्नो विस्मृतो विहतस्तथा |
चिन्ताकृतो दिवा दृष्टो भवन्त्यफलदास्तु ते ||६७||

Dreams which are normal (usual) to one’s constitution, those which are forgotten (quickly) or destroyed (by the next dream), those seen when the person is worried, those seen during day sleep – all these are ineffective.
Read – Charaka Indriya Sthana 12th Chapter Gomaya Churniya Indriyam

Rista svapna

Dreams indicating death

ज्वरितानां शुना सख्यं कपिसख्यं तु शोषिणाम् |
उन्मादे राक्षसैः प्रेतैरपस्मारे प्रवर्तनम् ||६८||
मेहातिसारिणां तोयपानं स्नेहस्य कुष्ठिनाम् |
गुल्मेषु स्थावरोत्पत्तिः कोष्ठे, मूर्ध्नि शिरोरुजि ||६९||
शष्कुलीभक्षणं छर्द्यामध्वा श्वासपिपासयोः |
हारिद्रं भोजनं वाऽपि यस्य स्यात् पाण्डुरोगिणः ||७०||
रक्तपित्ती पिबेद्यस्तु शोणितं स विनश्यति |७१|

The patient of fever seeing in dreams as having friendship  with dogs, patient of consumption having friendship with monkeys, patient of insanity moving with demons, patient of epilepsy moving  with goats, patients of diabetes and diarrhoea drinking water, patient  of leprosy drinking  fats, patient of abdominal tumor seeing plants growing in his abdomen and or head and as having headache; patient of vomiting seeing as consuming Saskuli (fried  pastry), patient of dyspnoea and thirst walking long distances; patient of anemia as consuming rice  boiled with Haridra (turmeric), patient  of bleeding diseases drinking  blood – such patients are going to die.

Dussvapna Phala Nivarana

Getting rid of effects of bad dreams

स्वप्नानेवंविधान् दृष्ट्वा प्रातरुत्थाय यत्नवान् ||७१||
दद्यान्माषांस्तिलांल्लोहं विप्रेभ्यः काञ्चनं तथा |
जपेच्चापि शुभान् मन्त्रान् गायत्रीं त्रिपदां तथा ||७२||
दृष्ट्वा तु प्रथमे यामे स्वप्याद् ध्यात्वा पुनः शुभम् |
जपेद्वाऽन्यतमं वेदं ब्रह्मचारी समाहितः ||७३||
न चाचक्षीत कस्मैचिद्दृष्ट्वा स्वप्नमशोभनम् |
देवतायतने चैव वसेद्रात्रित्रयं तथा |
विप्रांश्च पूजयेन्नित्यं दुःस्वप्नात् प्रविमुच्यते ||७४||

Having seen such dreams at night, the person after getting up in morning should offer gifts of black gram, sesame iron and gold to the Brahmanas, chant auspicious hymns such as tripala Gayathri etc; having seen the dream during the first Yama (three hours) of the night, he should sleep thinking or contemplating auspicious events, or recite Veda or such other scriptures, remain celibate (avoid sexual  activities), should not  reveal inauspicious dreams to any one, reside( sleep) in a temple for three night, and offer worship to Brahmans – by these the person gets to rid of effects of bad dreams.
Read – Sleep Physiology, Tridosha Effect, Benefits Of Good Night Sleep

Prasasta svapna

Auspicious dreams

अत ऊर्ध्वं प्रवक्ष्यामि प्रशस्तं स्वप्नदर्शनम् |
देवान् द्विजान्गोवृषभान् जीवतः सुहृदो नृपान् ||७५||
समिद्धमग्निं साधूंश्च निर्मलानि जलानि च |
पश्येत् कल्याणलाभाय व्याधेरपगमाय च ||७६||
मांसं मत्स्यान् स्रजः श्वेता वासांसि च फलानि च |
लभेत धनलाभाय व्याधेरपगमाय च ||७७||
महाप्रासादसफलवृक्षवारणपर्वतान् |
आरोहेद्द्रव्यलाभाय व्याधेरपगमाय च ||७८||
नदीनदसमुद्रांश्च क्षुभितान् कलुषोदकान् |
तरेत् कल्याणलाभाय व्याधेरपगमाय च ||७९||
उरगो वा जलौको वा भ्रमरो वाऽपि यं दशेत् |
आरोग्यं निर्दिशेत्तस्य धनलाभं च बुद्धिमान् ||८०||
एवं रूपाञ् शुभान् स्वप्नान् यः पश्येद्व्याधितो नरः |
स दीर्घायुरिति ज्ञेयस्तस्मै कर्म समाचरेत् ||८१||

Further, I will describe auspicious dreams –

  • Seeing in dream, the Gods, Brahmans, cows, bulls – all these, living friends, king, burning fire, ascetics and pure water, bestows good (health, happiness etc) and ward off diseases.
  • Seeing of obtaining fresh meat, fish, garlands, cloth and fruits, which are white in colour, indicate acquiring wealth and cure of diseases.
  • Seeing self-sitting in big palaces (mansions), trees bearing fruits, elephants, mountains would indicate acquiring wealth and cure of diseases.
  • Seeing swimming in turbulent rivers, seas with turbid water indicate acquiring wealth and cure of diseases.
  • The person who gets bitten by a snake, leech or bee in his dreams is said to acquire health and wealth.
  • If a patient sees these kinds of auspicious dreams, he should be understood as having long life and so given the treatments suitably.

इति श्रीसुश्रुतसंहितायां सूत्रस्थाने  विपरीताविपरीतस्वप्रनिदर्शनीयो  नामैकोनत्रिंशत्तमोऽध्यायः ॥२९॥
Thus ends the twenty ninth chapters by name Viparitaviparita Swapna Nidarshana, in the Sutra of Susruta Samhita.

Original Source