/Swabhavabala Pravritta Vyadhis: Meaning, Subtypes, Examples, Prevention, Cure

Swabhavabala Pravritta Vyadhis: Meaning, Subtypes, Examples, Prevention, Cure

Article by Dr Raghuram Y.S. MD (Ay) & Dr Manasa S, B.A.M.S

Swabhavabala Pravritta Vyadhis are grouped as diseases in spite of them being natural manifestations due to the nature of them manifesting with self-limiting and temporary disturbances. They are included under a bid category of diseases called called Adidaivika Vyadhis explained by Acharya Sushruta

Ref – Sushruta Sutra Sthana, Chapter 24, verse 6

Swabhavabala Pravritta Vyadhis: Part of Adidaivika Vyadhis

As said, Swabhavabala Pravritta Vyadhis are part of Adidaivika Vyadhis, which itself is one among the threefold classification of vyadhis – diseases explained by Acharya Sushruta. Adyatmika Vyadhis and Adibhautika Vyadhis are the other two categories which fall under the broader threefold classification of Vyadhis.

All those naturally manifesting conditions which we all experience on a daily basis like hunger, thirst and sleep are included under Swabhavabala Vyadhis.

Being a subtype of Adidaivika Vyadhis, Swabhavabala Pravrtta Vyadhis will have typical features of them. On the other side, they will also have features special and specific to themselves, by the virtue of which they can be identified and designated as Swabhavabala Pravrtta Vyadhis.

In this article we shall study about Swabhavabala Pravrtta Vyadhis and their sub-classification.

Swabhavabala Pravrtta Vyadhis

स्वभावबलप्रवृत्ता ये क्षुत्पिपासाजरामृत्युनिद्राप्रभृतयः;तेऽपि द्विविधाः- कालजा, अकालजश्च; तत्र परिरक्षणकृताः कालजाः,अपरिरक्षणकृता अकालजः । एते आधिदैविकाः। अत्र सर्वव्याध्यवरोधः ॥७॥(Su.Su.24/7)

Meaning of Swabhavabala Pravrtta Vyadhi

–        Swabhavabala Pravrtta – naturally caused or caused due to the strength or domination of natural manifestations

–        Vyadhi – diseases

Definition of Swabhavabala Pravrtta Vyadhis –

The diseases such as hunger, thirst, old age, death, sleep and such others which naturally occur in everyone, every day, are known as Swabhavapravrtta Vyadhis.

Hunger, thirst etc mentioned above in the definition of Swabhavabala Pravrtta Vyadhis are not diseases, as we can see. They are just natural manifestations of the body which are seen on a daily basis and in everyone as a rule.

In spite of that, they are called as Vyadhis because they too trouble us for a very short duration until they exist or until they go away. They have a temporary status, especially so in healthy individuals, are self-limiting and hence can be considered as short-term natural diseases. On the other hand, they can become serious diseases or sources of the same if they are neglected or not taken care of, in the long run.

Death is also manifested naturally due to its swabhava – nature. Therefore a naturally manifested death is also included under Swabhavabala Pravrtta Vyadhi.

In short, Swabhavabala Pravrtta Vyadhis are naturally manifesting diseases of temporary nature, like hunger, sleep etc. which occur due to the nature of the body and are not troublesome in healthy individuals.

Examples of Swabhavabala Pravrtta Vyadhis

–        Kshut – hunger

–        Pipasa – thirst

–        Jara – ageing

–        Nidra – sleep

–        Mrtyu – death etc.

Types of Swabhavabala Pravrtta Vyadhis

Swabhavabala Pravrtta Vyadhis are of two kinds. They are –

1. Kala Krita Vyadhi

The swabhavabala pravrtta vyadhis i.e. natural diseases or manifestations which occur at ‘proper time’ are called as Kalakrta Vyadhis. They do not miss the timing of occurrence unless we manipulate them, except death.

Examples –

–        Feeling hungry – when it is time to have food

–        Getting thirsty – when it is time to drink water, when body needs water

–        Getting sleep – when it is time to sleep

–        Getting old – when we cross 70 years of age (in olden days age beyond 70 years of age was considered as old age)

–        Death – when we have crossed 100 years of our living (in olden days, living for 100 years was considered as norm and natural) etc.

All the above said occur due to the effect and influence of kala – time factor, and on time.

These Kala Krta Vyadhis occur when they need to occur in proper time scheduled and designated for them to occur. They are also called Parirakshana Krta Vyadhis because they occur in spite of protecting ourselves and our health in all perspectives. These temporary disease-like manifestations occur due to proper maintenance of selves by properly following the rules and regulations of a systematic way of life and diet.

2. Akala Krta Vyadhi

The Swabhavabala Pravrtta Vyadhis i.e. natural diseases or manifestations which occur in improper time (untimely manifestation) are called as Akalakrta Vyadhis. They occur either too early – premature manifestation or too late – delayed manifestation. These diseases basically occur due to our negligence and improper maintenance of selves and when we follow erratic lifestyle and food practices. These diseases are also called as Aparirakshana Krta Vyadhis since they occur due to our failure to take care of and protect ourselves, in the absence of protection, prevention or care.

Modern thoughts

Modern medicine does not consider the natural manifestations like hunger, thirst, sleep etc included in Swabhavabala Pravrtta Vyadhis but has definitely emphasized the need of maintaining them at balance so as to keep healthy. The intention of mentioning two contrasting words in the nomenclature i.e. ‘swabhava = natural’ and ‘vyadhi = disease’ by Ayurveda too is to emphasize the importance of these in maintaining one’s health.

Prevention and cure

There is no need to discuss prevention and cure of these naturally occurring temporary manifestations since they are self-limiting. The significance of knowing them as ‘vyadhis’ is to understand the ‘unsaid thing’ i.e. if you neglect them, they would shape up into diseases. This also gives us a sense of awareness to maintain them at optimum balance and follow discipline in following them so as to not misguide them into the pathway of them becoming diseases or sources for the same.

The takeaway message is –

–        eat food when you feel hungry,

–        drink water when you are hungry,

–        sleep when you get sleep,

–        prepare and brace yourself for your old age and take all precautions and measures and prepare a blueprint to manage your senility in a healthy way

–        maintain the kalakrta vyadhis and manage the akalakrta vyadhis

–        and know that death is inevitable

If we are not looking at this aspect from the ‘akalakrta vyadhi’ perspective, Swabhavabala Pravrtta Vyadhis have a rich ‘preventive perspective’ rather than a curative one. We need to know and be aware that ‘time is everything’ and maintain perfect timing for everything we do in our life. If you miss the timing, the timing will miss you.

As the popular saying goes, Kalaya Tasmai Namaha – ‘Oh God of time, we bow to thee!”

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