Article by Dr Raghuram Y.S. MD (Ay) & Dr Manasa, B.A.M.S
Manipura Chakra is the third chakra mentioned in the chronology of chakras. It is called navel chakra since it is located in the navel region. It is also called Solar Plexus Chakra. It is related to the fire element and Sun.
This chakra is said to be directly related to one’s sense of self. It is associated with many virtues of us including digestion and metabolism. It is also associated with our self esteem, personal identity, individual will and sense of purpose. One can experience and also feel empowered with immense transformative energy when this Chakra is in its activated form and when there is free movement of consciousness in this center.
It is said to be the ‘energy powerhouse’ of our body.
This Chakra is interposed between Swadishtana Chakra and Anahata Chakra. Swadishtana Chakra is located in the lower abdomen, below the Manipura Chakra and Anahata Chakra is located above Manipura Chakra, in the chest, in the region of the heart.
Related Reading – Chakras – introduction, meaning, types and location
Manipura Chakra is the center of heat and transformation. Being connected to the Sun and Fire energy, it is located in the region of the digestive fire i.e. agni and hence is directly connected to the process of digestion and assimilation of food by Agni. It is also responsible for energy transformations in the tissues and mind. Thus, this chakra directly influences the digestive system.
Some experts consider Manipura Chakra as the level of realization. One can attain supreme consciousness when the consciousness unfolds in this navel chakra. Muladhara Chakra at level 1 is considered as level of unconsciousness and Swadishtana Chakra at level 2, above Muladhara is considered as level of subconscious. The consciousness after passing through these levels reaches the third level i.e. Manipura Chakra. When one is awakened and reaches a stage of realization at this level, he would have reached an important stage on the spiritual path. It is said that after becoming conscious and aware at this level, one would have completed half the journey towards realization.
Manipura Chakra: Meaning and philosophy
Manipura means ‘lustrous gem of the city’.
– Mani = jewel or gem
– Pura = city or palace
In Tantra –
– Dashachchada
– Dashadala Padma
– Dashapatra
– Dashapatra ambuja
– Manipura
– Manipuraka
– Nabhipadma
– Nabhipankaja
In Vedas and late Upanishads –
– Manipura
– Manipuraka
– Nabhi Chakra
In Puranas –
– Manipura
– Nabhi Chakra
Location of the Navel Chakra
Manipura Chakra – Navel Chakra or Solar Plexus Chakra is located in the middle of the abdomen, at the navel region or behind the navel (above the navel according to some references), hence deriving its name.
Manipura means (Wikipedia)
– City of jewels
– Resplendent gem
– Lustrous gem
Manipura Chakra houses Celiac Plexus which innervates most of the digestive system, which the Chakra controls.
Main symbolic animal of Navel Chakra
The symbolic animal of Manipura Chakra is Ram. Ram is considered to be the vehicle of Agni – the fire God. Ram bears four radiant arms / limbs and carries the Bija Sound ‘Rang’ or ‘Ram’. Ram is a strong and aggressive animal which charges with its head and depicts the nature of the person who has dominant third chakra i.e. he or she will be ready to take ‘head on’ for anything. Just like a ram, the person who has been bestowed by the active Manipura Chakra energy, lives in a group and moves towards the desired aim or goal even without worrying about the consequences, proudly, as if drunk with vanity.
Yantra form of Navel Chakra
The symbolic representation of Manipura Chakra is an inverted triangle, which itself is its Yantra. The triangle is red in color and is situated right at the centre of the chakra with its vertex pointing downwards. The triangle is surrounded by the ten petals of the lotus which represents the navel chakra. The triangle is symbolic of the fire and flame of Manipura Chakra. Fire dominates the personality and consciousness of a Manipura Chakra person and that radiant heat is palpable from a distance. These people are really good in visualization due to the fiery energy of the chakra and it is represented in this red inverted triangle. The inverted triangle is said to suggest the movement of energy downwards. The vertex symbolizes the origin and the upward spreading limbs / sides of the triangle indicate growth and development.
Bija Mantra (seed mantra) of Navel Chakra
The Bija Mantra of Manipura Chakra is ‘RAM’. Some also pronounce it as ‘RANG’. This sound is produced when a triangular shape is formed when the lips push the tongue against the palate. One should focus and concentrate on the navel region while producing this sound and direct the sound towards the navel. It is also said that the RAM sound is developed from the vibration caused by the meeting of Nadis in this centre. When we continuously chant RAM for some time allowing the ‘R’ of RAM to vibrate predominantly, the pleasant warmth and flow of energy in our body that we experience and become conscious of is that of Manipura Chakra. When repeatedly practiced in a proper way, this sound is said to increase the powers of digestion, assimilation and absorption in the body by activating the agni in a healthy way. The sound also bestows longevity. This Bija Mantra is always situated in its Yantra i.e. the inverted triangle.
Manipura Chakra is said to be the seat of words and sounds. Therefore it is important to keep it activated by chanting Bija Mantra or any other Mantra
Related Reading – ‘Manipura Chakra and production of Sounds’
Lotus and number of petals of Navel Chakra
Manipura Chakra is symbolically represented by a lotus flower with ten petals. Each petal of this chakra represents a Prana – vital life energy. Thus, ten petals represent dasha prana – ten kinds of vital life forces which control and nourish all the functions in us.
The other symbol representative of Manipura Chakra is a triangle whose tip is pointing downwards. This triangle indicates the spreading of energy, growth and development of individuals. When this Chakra is activated, the body gets infused with enormous energy which encourages growth and development. It also frees the person from the negative energies, thus leading to purification and feeling of being liberated.
It is also said that the ten petals of Manipura Chakra depict ten important nerve endings and ten sources of gaining energy. The energy herein is said to flow in ten dimensions. Each petal is also said to depict one aspect of Braddha Rudra.
The color of the petals is blue, like the blue flame of the most luminous part of the fire.
The ten petals are said to be dark blue or black in color resembling heavily laden rain clouds.
Below mentioned are the syllables which represent the ten petals of Manipura Chakra.
Petal of Manipura Chakra | Syllable representing the petal | Related Vritti (stream or movement) |
1 | Dam | Spiritual ignorance |
2 | Dham | Thirst |
3 | Nam | Jealousy |
4 | Tam | Treachery |
5 | Tham | Shame |
6 | Dam | Fear |
7 | Dham | Disgust |
8 | Nam | Delusion |
9 | Pam | Foolishness |
10 | Pham | Sadness |
These syllables are located one on each petal and are of dark blue in color.
The divinity of Navel Chakra
Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi are the divinities of Manipura Chakra. Herein, Lord Vishnu represents evolving human consciousness devoid of any animal characteristics. He personifies the progression towards human consciousness, spiritual growth and creativity. Likewise, Goddess Lakshmi represents materialistic, health, happiness and spiritual prosperity. Lord Vishnu is considered as the protector. In his presence, Manipura Chakra supports and guards our life and protects us by distributing the energy that is derived from our foods, drinks and breathing.
According to other schools,
a. Braddha Rudra – The deity of Navel Chakra is Braddha Rudra or Vrddha Rudra which means Old Lord Shiva who is the lord of the South. He represents the power of destruction. The fire which the Manipura represents also is known for its destructive power. Lord Rudra in his old age form has blue skin which resembles camphor and adorns silver colored beard. In his wrathful form he is seen to sit on a golden colored tiger skin and his body is smeared by ashes. The tiger represents the manas – mind and Lord Rudra is seen to conquer the mind. One can have good control over the mind if he or she becomes conscious of this chakra. It is believed that everything which exists would return to Lord Rudra ultimately.
b. Lakini Shakti – The Shakti or goddess of the Chakra is said to be Lakini, who has three heads which represents the physical, astral and celestial planes. Lakini Shakti is seen to be armed with independence and fire. She bears a dark complexion and is said to be adorned with a yellow saree, the color representing the fire. Goddess Lakini has four hands and she holds something which depicts and represents a virtue bestowed on us.
Hand Number | What Goddess Lakini holds | What does it represent? |
1 | Vajra – thunderbolt / want | Electrical energy of firePhysical heat that is produced and comes out from within the body, the heat of our existence |
2 | Shara – Arrow – represents that which has been released in the upward direction by the bow of Lord Kama, the Lord of Sex from the second Chakra upwards | Represents the upward movement of energy from the second chakra i.e. Swadishtana ChakraOne’s control over his or her sexual urges |
3 | Agni – Fire | The energy of transformation inside usThe metabolism at core gut level and also at the level of tissues |
4 | Mudra – Hand gesture | Forgiveness |
Presiding deity of Navel Chakra
Goddess Lakini Shakti is the presiding deity of Manipura Chakra.
The color of Navel Chakra
The color of Navel Chakra i.e. Manipura Chakra is yellow. Yellow is also the color of fire and Sun. Some experts opine that Yellow-Orange is the color of Manipura Chakra and the radiation of the Chakra is Green color. The color represents that of a pure flame of the fire which supplies light and energy and also eliminates darkness, ignorance and contaminants.
Manipura Chakra is also called yellow chakra because of the color of the chakra. The yellow color signifies not only fire but also the sun and sun energy. Manipura Chakra being a powerhouse of our system supplies strength, energy, vitality and nourishment all through our body.
Elemental connection with Navel Chakra
The element related to Manipura Chakra is Tejas / Agni or fire element. Therefore this Chakra is also known as the Fire Centre or Sun Centre. The fire element is represented in our body in the form of digestive / metabolic fire and all forms of fire. It also manifests in the form of heat in the Solar Plexus. Manipura Chakra supplies energy to the digestive organs. Blockages in this Chakra can lead to digestive disorders. Many other disorders including those of circulatory system and liver and diabetes may also manifest due to energy blocks occurring in the Navel Chakra. A balanced Manipura Chakra reflects a balanced state of Agni which in turn reflects a good and healthy digestive system, good digestion of food and good nutrition to the entire body.
Through the Solar Plexus, the fire element of our body manifests in the form of heat.
While on one hand, the fire element represents aggression, heat, passion and restlessness, it also represents refinement and purification on the other hand. By offering our anger, envy and other negative and bad emotions to the intense fire of Manipura Chakra, as a sacrifice, these bad entities would burn to ashes and liberate us from all our weaknesses and bad thoughts. When the same emotions are allowed to reach the heart and head, they would imbalance the Chakras therein and cause many diseases and blocks. So, such emotions need to be directed towards Manipura Chakra and burn them off, before they burn and destroy us and our identity.
Organs related to Navel Chakra
Manipura Chakra is the seat of digestive fire. This chakra influences the digestive fire and its activities. This chakra regulates the functions of the organs of the digestive system and also pancreas. When the Manipura Chakra gets blocked one would suffer from digestive disorders. Diseases of the circulatory system, diabetes and fluctuations of blood pressure are also due to Manipura Chakra blockages.
Gland related to Navel Chakra
Balancing Manipura Chakra is seen to improve the functions of pancreas and adrenal glands.
Jnanendriya – Sense Organs related to Navel Chakra
Manipura Chakra is associated with the sense of sight and hence is associated with the eyes – the seat of Chakshurindriya – subtle sense of sight.
Karmendriya – Organ of action related to Navel Chakra
Manipura Chakra is associated with movement and locomotion and hence is associated with Pada Indriya i.e. feet.
Special Characteristics of Navel chakra
Manipura Chakra is the center of vitality.
Since it is the ‘City of Jewels’, Manipura Chakra is made up of many precious jewels or gems which are represented by virtues such as clarity, bliss, knowledge, wisdom, self-confidence, well-being, and decisive power.
The Chakra controls our energy balance. This helps in keeping our body strong and in consolidation of one’s health.
This Chakra is said to attract Prana, the vital energy needed for all life activities from the Cosmos.
The Manipura Chakra when in a state of balance, strong and active would greatly provide a support system to our health. It helps us to overcome many kinds of diseases and illnesses and hence is a shield for us. It bestows balance, strength and power to our life.
Activation of Manipura Chakra frees us from the negative energies. It also strengthens and purifies one’s vitality.
It is believed that the energy of Manipura Chakra radiates up and down and hence has its influence on the lower and higher Chakras. We experience feelings of love and happiness in our heart. These are said to originate from the Manipura Chakra and move upwards into the heart chakra i.e. Anahata Chakra. Similarly, the positive radiance originating and spreading downwards from Manipura Chakra also influences the Swadishthana Chakra and Muladhara Chakra present beneath it and would purify these Chakras and enhance their qualities and functioning.
Some opine that a person is ruled by and is predominant with Manipura Chakra energy between fourteen and twenty one years of age.
The energy imparted by this Chakra is highly motivational. It impels the person to develop his ego, which is his identity in the world.
Those dominant with Manipura Chakra will strive for personal power and recognition.
The plane of Manipura Chakra encompasses –
– Karma
– Charity
– Atonement
– Good and bad company
– Sorrow
– Selfless service
– The plane of dharma and
– The celestial plane
The ultimate balance of this Chakra is brought about by selfless service.
The Manipura Chakra allows free flow of energy throughout the body in an uninterrupted way when it is activated. When this chakra gets blocked, it drains one’s energy and imbalances one’s mood and makes him or her very angry.
Apart from the digestive system, Manipura Chakra operates on and influences all internal organs and glands since the health of all organs and glands depend on the balance of agni. Spleen, liver, kidneys and adrenal glands – are all under the influence of Manipura Chakra and its energy.
When Manipura Chakra is misdirected, its fiery energy can bring about untoward consequences. When this happens one can become dictatorial or manipulative in nature. These people can become untowardly harsh and angry.
The fiery energy of the Manipura Chakra is very much essential for us to advance into spiritual practices. Self control and immense balance of energy is needed to reach this goal and both these virtues are obtained by a balanced Manipura Chakra.
– Position – on the spinal column, in level with navel
– Related Color – yellow or yellow-orange = fire, energy
– Related element – fire
– Related Mantra – RAM
– Related Lotus – 10 petal lotus
– Related animal – RAM – power, activity
– Related divinity – Vishnu, Lakshmi, Rudra, Lakini
– Related symbol – Inverted Triangle – awakening, unfolding
– Related qualities and aspects – human consciousness, junction of Prana and Apana, distribution of nourishment, seat of words
– Related positive aspects / attributes – self-awareness, self-confidence, clarity, wisdom, self confidence, well being, love, happiness, self esteem
– Related negative aspects / attributes – burning of nectar from Bindu Chakra
– Related plane –Sva Loka – celestial plane
– Related Prana – Samana
– Related planet – Sun
– Related principles – Buddhi – judgment
– Related precious stone – Ruby
– Related metal – Iron
– Related Mineral – Sulphur
– Related emotion – sorrow, grief
– Related sensation – hunger
– Related sense organ – eyes, sight
– Related feature – rupa – form
– Related taste – spicy
– Related secretion – blood
– Related gland – pancreas
– Related Plexus – Solar Plexus
– Related quality – utkramana – burning
– Related organ – pada – feet,
Effect of Manipura Chakra on mind and transformation of emotions
Activated powerful Manipura Chakra has strong influence on the mind and senses and also on emotions. It can bring about positive changes in the thought process and transformation of bad and negative emotions into positive and good ones.
Emotion / Thought | Altered form after being transformed by the power of Manipura Chakra (what the initial emotion or thought becomes) |
Passion | Pure selfless love |
Prejudice and aversion | Respect and understanding |
Enviousness and insatiable greed | Goodwill and healthy moderation |
Pride and jealousy | Modesty and generosity |
Ignorance | Clarity |
Laziness | Focused, consistent efforts in achieving something |
Fear blocks of Manipura Chakra
All of us have different kinds of fears for different kinds of situations. We may learn to conquer them as we grow and mature. Many times we are stuck and choked in the whirlpool of fears from which we find difficult to escape for life. The fear becomes a strong fortress or a prison from within which we cannot break out free. Blockages occurring at the level of Manipura Chakra are responsible for many of our fears. We live and learn to live in constant fear of one or the other thing until and unless we decide to break open the hindering walls and come out of them. This is possible if we discover two most important pearls of Manipura Chakra that we all naturally possess inside us. The only thing we need to do is bring them to the surface and light and operate with them against our fears. They are self-aware and self-confident. These are not just the powers or gems of the city of gems i.e. Manipura, but are also the war tools against our fears. When Manipura Chakra is activated and strongly operational, or when we become conscious or aware at this level, we will never be victims of fear because an activated Manipura Chakra will keep our self-awareness and self-confidence boosted to the highest levels. To come out of our fears, it is important for us to activate our Manipura Chakras and work over its blockages and remove them and to discover our awareness and confidence levels and also keep them at optimum levels.
Manipura Chakra and stressful gut
Manipura Chakra is closely connected to the mind and consciousness. Ayurveda also opines the same. The balance of Agni – the metabolic fire which is governed by the power of influence of Manipura Chakra is very important for the balance and functions of mind. If agni is disturbed, the mind gets disturbed. The vice versa is also true. Mental disturbances including stress, depression, anxiety etc. will often give rise to many digestive issues also. Fear or stressful situations might cause diarrhea, abdominal pain and other gut related symptoms. Therefore, Manipura Chakra, Agni and Manas work in a loop and their balance and health influences each other. Blocks in Manipura Chakra can cause disturbances in agni and also in the mind and consequently cause digestive disorders.
Manipura & Agya Chakra Awakening
It is good if the awakening of Manipura Chakra and Agya Chakra – eyebrow centre take place at the same time, by simultaneous activation of both Chakras. This will help in the spiritual transformation of an individual and help him to obtain the ultimate benefits of Manipura Chakra. It is also said that the best qualities of Manipura Chakra can only be tapped in conjunction with simultaneous activation of the eyebrow chakra.
We speak about our ‘gut feelings’ a lot of times in our lives. These are the instincts and predictions which often come true, sometimes not. Gut feelings are merely the decisions based only upon the Manipura Chakra and are intuitively correct often. On the other hand these decisions can be distorted by strong emotions and therefore can be irrational also. Also, the judgements that we make based only on our intellect and its language many times lack complete and integrated vision. Therefore, for the purpose of clarity, both chakras are important and so is their simultaneous activation and working in sync. It is important that the ‘almost right feeling’ of Manipura Chakra be examined, complemented and guided by the ‘discriminatory power’ of Agya Chakra.
Effects of Imbalances of Sacral Chakra
Psychosomatic Effect of Manipura Chakra imbalances and blocks
When there are blocks in the Manipura Chakra or when there are functional imbalance, it would cause the below mentioned effects –
– Energy depletion leading to wider array of physical and mental disorders
– Decreased ability to think or express one’s thoughts and feelings clearly
– Mind or brain fog
– Diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and migraines
– Skin diseases and allergies
– Rheumatic diseases, arthritis and gout
– Digestive disorders
Effects of Imbalances and Blockages in Manipura Chakra
Below mentioned conditions can be caused due to the blocks in the Manipura Chakra –
a. Physical symptoms / conditions due to blockages and imbalances in Manipura Chakra
– Constipation
– Improper processing of nutrients in the body
– Irritable bowel syndrome
– Gastritis / Acid peptic disorders
– Eating disorders
– Inflammatory bowel diseases
– Stomach or duodenal ulcers
– Colon and intestinal diseases
– Liver diseases
– Pancreatic diseases
– Diabetes
b. Mental symptoms / conditions due to blockages and imbalances in Manipura Chakra
– Aggressiveness
– Irritability
– Excessive anger
– Rigid behavior
– Controlling or manipulating behavior
– Fear
– Indecisiveness
– Lack of courage
– Lack of motivation
– Lack of self-esteem
– Emotional blocks and feeling of stagnation – inertia
– Lack of direction
– Difficulties in expression / self-expression
– Feeling of unworthiness
– Feeling insecure
– Waiting to get the other person’s approval
– Victim’s mentality
– Neediness
– Timidity
Benefits of balancing and aligning the Manipura Chakra
One would discover his or her powers and potentials which lay buried deep within and would feel comfortable with the same. They would feel highly empowered and have a better sense of purpose, and also feel more connected to self. One would rediscover their true individuality and potential. He would become capable of letting go of unnecessary and unwanted things easily and would not depend on anyone or anything for their happiness.
Why to align your Manipura Chakra
Alignment and balance of Manipura Chakra and freedom from blockages is very essential for our comprehensive body-mind-sensual health. One would feel empowered and comfortable with one’s inherent power when this chakra is aligned and is at its serene balance. One would have a sense of purpose of one’s life so as to who he is and why he is here. Aligned Manipura Chakra would connect one with his or her purpose of life. This connection is very much essential for one to gain a deeper understanding of how he can contribute to the collective in the best beneficial way. The person would learn to let go of the things or persons on whom he once depended or aligned to and over-valuing anything or anyone. This will set him free from the bondages. One will be less dependent on the external sources of happiness and would try to find the same within.
Once the energy which has been trapped due to the blockages in Manipura Chakra has been released, the energy would move freely throughout the body. This energy will create a higher sense of purpose which will enable one to understand one’s personal identity in a better way. Long standing digestive issues, mental blocks and other disorders caused due to the blocks in Manipura Chakra would be gone. One will be in a position to express his or her needs and desires freely.
Beneficial Yoga Postures for balancing and releasing blockages of Manipura Chakra
Below mentioned are some of the Yoga postures which help in removing the blocks in the Manipura Chakra and enable free energy flow in the same –
– Dhanurasana – Bow pose
– Paschimottanasana – Seated forward bend pose
– Ardha Matsyendrasana – Half lord of fishes pose
– Trikonasana – Triangle pose
– Shirangushthasana – Sideways bend towards the toes
– Viparitakarani Mudra – Renewal of energy
– Virasana – Hero Pose
– Vajrasana – Diamond Pose
– Ashva Sanchalanasana – Equestrian pose / Low lunge pose
– Pada Prasara Paschimottanasana – Legs spread intense stretch of the waist pose / Legs spread back stretch pose
– Shalabhasana – Locust pose
– Dhanurasana – Bow pose
– Nauka Sanchalanasana – Rowing the boat pose
Other Yogic practices include indulging in Kapala Bhati, Agni Sar and other breathing practices like Bastrika all of which would serve the same purpose and also activate the agni, release toxins and blockages from the Manipura Chakra and enable free flow of energy therein. The Chakra can also be activated by chanting OM, Yoga Mudras, Ashwini Mudra, Uddiyana Bandha and Maha Bandha.
Meditating on Manipura Chakra
Meditating on the Manipura Chakra is an ideal way of activating the Manipura Chakra, to remove the blocks therein and enable free flow of energy. Below mentioned methods can be followed –
– Meditating on Beeja Mantra ‘RAM’
– Meditating ‘OM’ focusing on the navel region
– Guided meditation on theChakra region
– Focused meditation wherein one can focus on a yellow lotus flower with ten petals as the point of focus of meditation
Meditating on this Chakra enables one to understand the functioning of the body parts and glands and also the deep human emotions. It helps in curing digestive disorders including indigestion and constipation and one will achieve long and healthy life. One would lose the egoism and the fluidity and inconsistency that comes in the second chakra i.e. swadishtana chakra assumes a form of practicality. The fantasies are transformed into practical forms. One develops the power to command and organize. One also achieves control over the speech and can express ideas very effectively.
Should we first meditate on Manipura Chakra?
Though the first two among the Shat Chakras are Muladhara Chakra and Swadishtana Chakra, experts opine that one should always start their meditation concentrating their focus on the ‘Manipura Chakra’ and by chanting the Bija Mantra ‘RAM’. When this Chakra is activated and also relaxed, it assures the automatic relaxation of the lower Chakras also. Since the energy from Manipura Chakra would travel both upwards and downwards, the energy while emanating to Muladhara and Swadishtana Chakras, would also move upwards in an unhindered way and reach the Anahata Chakra located in the chest region, and hence would reach the heart. This will enable one to experience a balance and also a happy and deep meditation.
One would also experience a harmony and feeling of total wellbeing when the energy freely flows in the Navel Chakra. We will feel that we are in total control of everything. This wellbeing is experienced not only at the physical level but also at the mental and sensual planes. This experience is a foundation for our comprehensive health and our journey towards spiritual development.
Other effective tips to balance Manipura Chakra
– Regularly consuming healthy and balanced diet which is energizing
– Avoiding unaccustomed and incompatible foods, junks and unwholesome foods or bad food combos and anything which is regularly rejected by our system
– Avoid excessive eating of food and untimely eating
– Stop consuming cold things and cold water or drinks in excess
– Practice drinking warm water
– Get sufficient exposure to sunlight, exercise well and spend quality time outdoor
– Practice sitting in Vajrasana – thunderbolt pose for few minutes after each meal
– Keep yourself involved in physical and mental activities which boost self-confidence and self-esteem and those which make you feel empowered and in control of self
– Keep practicing Yoga and Meditation
Gemstones which heal Manipura Chakra
– Tiger’s Eye
– Pyrite
– Yellow Jasper
– Citrine
– Amber
– Calcite
– Yellow Topaz
– Agate
– Lemon Quartz
– Tourmaline
Foods which heal Manipura Chakra
– Yellow peppers
– Ginger
– Turmeric
– Bananas
– Lemons
– Yellow citrus fruits
– Yellow bell peppers
– Corn
– Yellow lentils and rice
– Cumin
– Fennel
– Sunflower seeds
– Honey
– Ghee
Avoid heavy to digest foods, too cold foods and foods containing artificial dyes, stale and stored and refrigerated foods and junks.
Essential oils for Manipura Chakra Healing
– Rosemary Essential oil
– Black pepper Essential oil
– Spearmint Essential oil
– Ginger Essential oil
– Cedarwood Essential oil
Sadguru says that Manipura Chakra – maintenance center as he calls it, can easily be moved in many different ways in comparison to the other Chakras since it is the only place where all the seventy thousand Nadis meet and redistribute themselves. This ability to move the Chakra bestows different kinds of power to the person. Moving this chakra enhances one’s endurance and the body’s ability to tolerate and go through a beating and injury and immense capacity to move one’s energy. This chakra can be manipulated in many powerful ways by experts of martial arts, says Sadguru. If this center goes into disarray one might die for no apparent reason.
Sadguru further explains Manipura Sadhana wherein those seeking spiritual bliss shall bring sounds like ‘Shiva’ or ‘Shambo’ to the Manipura Chakra. When done, it spreads right across the body and the body would reverberate with this sound as it attains oneness with the body and becomes a part of our system.
He says that when one moves a sound to the Manipura, it will spread right across the system and the very body would reverberate with that sound. If that word or sound is uttered with the mouth it is called Japa. If it is uttered with heart, it is called Tapa. If one brings that sound to Manipura, it is called as Ajapa. Ajapa means – ‘the body reverberates with the sound without doing Japa, without opening the mouth, without using one’s vocal cords and air passages’.
Foods and Manipura Chakra
Manipura Chakra governs the functions of digestive fire – Agni. Agnimandya i.e. sluggishness of agni leads to ajirna – indigestion which in turn leads to formation of ama and consequent blockages in the srotas – different channels in the body leading to many systemic diseases according to Ayurveda. Weak Agni reflects weakness and blocks at the level of Manipura Chakra. Since food is the fuel for Agni, we should make sensible choices of food in terms of quality and quantity so as to guard and protect our Agni and also to keep the Manipura Chakra actively functioning.
Related Reading – ‘Foods and Manipura Chakra’
Manipura Chakra and Dasha Pranas
Each petal of the ‘ten petal lotus’ representing Manipura Chakra has a Prana embedded in it. Each petal represents a Prana – the vital energy. Thus, ten pranas are related to the Manipura Chakra. They are –
– 5 Prana Vayus – Prana, Apana, Udana, Samana and Vyana and
– 5 Upa Pranas – Naga, Kurma, Devadatta, Kirkala and Dhananjaya
These Dasha Pranas render individual life-sustaining functions and also spread the energy of Chakra throughout the body. They also regulate the Jnana and Karma Indriyas. A strong Manipura Chakra which is in harmony is responsible for and reflects smooth functioning of different systems in the body. It is also said that Prana and Apana energies meet at Manipura Chakra. Hence the harmony of Prana-Apana axis is brought about by a balanced Manipura Chakra.
Related Reading – ‘Manipura Chakra and Dasha Pranas’