Italian soccer condemned for using monkey paintings in…

With players being racially abused by fans, newspapers printing insensitive headlines, and pundits using bigoted language, Italian soccer officials acknowledged this week that something needed to be done about endemic racism in their sport. However,…

California groom killed by wedding crashers

A California groom was murdered by two wedding crashers, according to police and family. Joe Melgoza, 30, died on Sunday morning, the day after his wedding, from blunt head trauma in Chino, California, about 30…

How do you spot a deepfake? A clue…

Hany Farid is well versed in how Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., speaks. "So, Sen. Warren has a habit of moving her head left and right quite a bit," said Farid, a computer scientist at the…

Will Democrats beat GOP again in dark money…

WASHINGTON — For years, the progressive wing of the Democratic Party has railed against anonymous campaign contributions from billionaires and corporations. Despite the rhetoric, as 2020 nears, Democrats may be on track to beat the…

The worlds oceans are acidifying — but its…

The waters off California are acidifying twice as rapidly as elsewhere on Earth, according to a study published Monday, which suggests that climate change is likely hastening and worsening chemical changes in the ocean that…