Celebrating 17 years of blogging! .tasty-pins-banner-container{display:block;margin-bottom:20px;position:relative;width:-moz-fit-content;width:fit-content}.tasty-pins-banner-container a{cursor:pointer;display:flex;font-size:14px;font-weight:700;letter-spacing:1px;line-height:1.8em;text-transform:uppercase}.tasty-pins-banner-container a:hover{opacity:1}.tasty-pins-banner-container .tasty-pins-banner{align-items:center;bottom:0;cursor:pointer;display:flex;justify-content:center;left:0;padding-bottom:1em;padding-top:1em;position:absolute;right:0}.tasty-pins-banner-container .tasty-pins-banner svg{margin-right:4px;width:32px}.tasty-pins-banner-container .tasty-pins-banner span{margin-top:4px}.tasty-pins-banner-container a.tasty-pins-banner{text-decoration:none}.tasty-pins-banner-container a.tasty-pins-banner:hover{opacity:.8}.tasty-pins-banner-container a.tasty-pins-banner-image-link{flex-direction:column}.tasty-pins-banner-container a img{margin-bottom:0}.entry-content .wp-block-image .tasty-pins-banner-container img{margin-bottom:0;padding-bottom:0}#et-boc .et-l div .et_pb_image_wrap .tasty-pins-banner-container .tasty-pins-banner{padding-bottom:1em!important;padding-top:1em;text-decoration:none}#et-boc .et-l div .et_pb_image_wrap .tasty-pins-banner-container a.tasty-pins-banner{cursor:pointer;display:flex;font-size:14px;font-weight:700;line-height:1.8em;text-transform:uppercase}#et-boc .et-l div .et_pb_image_wrap .tasty-pins-banner-container…
Kamala Harris DNC speech was historic. Now lets…
On Wednesday, Sen. Kamala Harris took the (digital) stage on Night 3 of the Democratic National Convention and delivered what may have been one of the most important speeches of her career. But analysis of…
Democrats need Latino voters. So where are the…
One minute. That's how long the Democratic National Committee agreed to listen to rising star Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, D-N.Y., speak during the quadrennial four-day nominating (and star-making) commercial it calls a convention. She's lucky,…
Best sunscreen for dark skin tones, according to…
Madelyn Fernstrom, PhD, CNS, debunked the notion that we don't need to wear sunscreen for a story on NBC Know Your Value. "All skin tones must be protected from the sun to prevent damage, with…
Trump must turn over tax returns to NY…
A federal judge on Thursday denied President Donald Trump’s latest attempt to quash a probe by New York prosecutors seeking his tax returns and other financial documents. The ruling by U.S. District Judge Victor Marrero…
Best of Nordstrom Anniversary Sale: Womens fall fashion
The 2020 Nordstrom Anniversary Sale is finally open for the public to shop the best sales and deals on women's clothes, shoes and accessories. Starting Aug. 19. and through Aug. 30, shoppers can order chic…
Reds broadcaster Thom Brennaman suspended over anti-gay slur…
A longtime broadcaster for the Cincinnati Reds was suspended Wednesday after using an anti-gay slur on a hot mic during a game against the Kansas City Royals. Cincinnati Reds broadcaster Thom Brennaman.Courtesy Cincinnati RedsThom Brennaman,…
Former Trump adviser Steve Bannon arrested, charged with…
Federal prosecutors on Thursday indicted one-time presidential aide Steve Bannon and three others on charges of taking money donated to help build a wall along the southern border, authorities said. Bannon, Brian Kolfage, Andrew Badolato,…
Californias raging fires force thousands to flee homes;…
At least two people have died helping to fight California wildfires that have forced thousands to flee their homes, destroyed over 100 structures, led to the evacuation of an Air Force base and covered large…