A white person and a Black person vote…

Jessica King's absentee ballot application never arrived. She tried to vote early at her polling location near her home in Albany, Georgia — but left when the crowd made social distancing impossible. Finally, thanks to…

Biden closing in on final decision on vice…

WASHINGTON — Former Vice President Joe Biden is closing in on a final decision on his choice of a running mate, four sources familiar with the matter told NBC News, as the presumptive Democratic presidential…

Trump to sign executive orders on coronavirus economic…

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump signed executive orders Saturday for coronavirus economic relief, upending negotiations with Congress after lawmakers failed to reach a deal on Friday. The executive orders establish a payroll tax holiday through…

Failure wasnt an option on coronavirus aid. It…

WASHINGTON — No matter the actual need, there was never much chance Congress would agree to another major spending package for coronavirus relief this summer. That's because the most comfortable outcome for all of the…

Camping in the Grand Canyon with my sister…

On the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon, the campsites are mostly patches of sandy beach between the water and the cliff face. Some are tiny sand dunes, others are large thickets of seep-willow shrubs,…