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Pompeo denies congressional subpoenas in fired IG investigation
WASHINGTON — Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is denying congressional subpoenas for four key witnesses in a months-long investigation into his role in the firing of State Department Inspector General Steven Linick. The department instructed…
How windy is it on Mars? Sand megaripples…
The sandy landscape of Mars is home to plenty of severe weather, including the odd dust storm so large that it can be observed by telescopes on Earth. But its day-to-day weather remains something of…
Lawsuit against the National Rifle Association isnt just…
The National Rifle Association, the most dominant gun lobby in the United States, which has wielded its power in Washington for decades, is under fire in New York. The state’s attorney general, Letitia James, says…
Canadas last fully intact Arctic ice shelf collapses
The last fully intact ice shelf in the Canadian Arctic has collapsed, losing more than 40 percent of its area in just two days at the end of July, researchers said on Thursday. The Milne…
Jerry Falwell, Jr. takes indefinite leave of absence…
Jerry Falwell, Jr. announced Friday he's taking an indefinite leave of absence from his leadership positions at Liberty University, the school his father founded in 1971. The institution said in a statement that its executive…
Sensitive to claims of bias, Facebook relaxed misinformation…
Facebook has allowed conservative news outlets and personalities to repeatedly spread false information without facing any of the company's stated penalties, according to leaked materials reviewed by NBC News. According to internal discussions from the…
Top U.S. intel official: China wants Trump defeated,…
WASHINGTON — Kremlin-linked operatives are trying to boost President Donald Trump's candidacy while China wants to see him defeated, the top U.S. counterintelligence official said Friday in a strikingly detailed update on American intelligence assessments…
Trumps TikTok order heats up China trade war.…
Is giving a big, aggressive speech on China now a requirement for the Trump administration’s senior officials? In the span of about four weeks this summer, four of the administration’s Cabinet officers — the attorney…