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A classic do no harm strategy: Bidens campaign…
Joe Biden, who was criticized by Democrats in the early days of the coronavirus pandemic for not being visible enough to counter the omnipresence of President Donald Trump, has emerged up in the polls as…
Hurricane warning now in place for part of…
A hurricane warning was issued for part of Florida's eastern coast on Friday as Hurricane Isaias approached the state after soaking parts of the Bahamas, forecasters said. Isaias, which had maximum sustained winds of 80…
Trump says hes banning TikTok in the U.S.
President Donald Trump said on Friday night that he would ban TikTok. “As far as TikTok is concerned we’re banning them from the United States,” Trump said aboard Air Force One as he returned to…
Supreme Court allows border wall construction to continue
The U.S. Supreme Court late Friday declined to let lower court rulings go into effect that would stop the Trump administration from spending any more Pentagon money on the border wall. The court denied a…
Inside the White Houses attempt to message its…
WASHINGTON — The White House's attempts to message its way out of the coronavirus crisis with a ramped-up public safety campaign this month have run into a pair of internal roadblocks: A lack of dramatic,…