Sushruta Samhita Chapter 42 Rasa Vishesha Vijnaniya Adhyaya

This article explains Sushruta Samhita Sutrasthana Chapter 42 “Rasa Vishesha Vijnaniya Adhyaya” – Knowledge of properties of tastes. Rasa Vishesha Vijnaniya Adhyaya- Knowledge of Properties of tastes अथातो रसविशेषविज्ञानीयमध्यायं व्याख्यास्यामः ||१||यथोवाच भगवान् धन्वन्तरिः ||२||We will…

Sushruta Samhita Chapter 41 Dravya Vishesha Vijnaniya Adhyaya

This article explains Sushruta Samhita Sutrasthana Chapter 41 “Dravya Vishesha Vijnaniya Adhyaya” – Knowledge of categories of Drugs. Dravya Vishesha Vijnaniya Adhyaya – Knowledge of categories of Drugs अथातो द्रव्यविशेषविज्ञानीयमध्यायं व्याख्यास्यामः ||१||यथोवाच भगवान् धन्वन्तरिः ||२||…

Pineapple Mango Salsa Recipe

Published: Jul 21, 2023 by Dara · This post may contain affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. · Leave a Comment Create a zesty and colorful pineapple mango salsa by…

Berries Bountiful!

Each year, beginning in late spring until the fall, nature rewards us with an array of sweet and delicious berries in an assortment of beautiful hues of yellow, orange, red, blue, and black. Found on…

Sushruta Samhita Chapter 40 Dravya Rasaguna Virya Vipaka Vijnaniya…

This article explains Sushruta Samhita Sutrasthana Chapter 40 “Dravya Rasa Guna Virya Vipaka Vijnaniya Adhyaya” – Knowledge of substances and their qualities. Dravya rasaguna Virya Vipaka Vijnaniya Adhyaya – knowledge of substances and their qualities अथातो द्रव्यरसगुणवीर्यविपाकविज्ञानीयमध्यायं…

Our Custom Cabinets!

Here is the progress on the custom cabinets for our new kitchen, mudroom, and primary bathroom!  .tasty-pins-banner-container{display:block;margin-bottom:20px;position:relative;width:-moz-fit-content;width:fit-content}.tasty-pins-banner-container a{cursor:pointer;display:flex;font-size:14px;font-weight:700;letter-spacing:1px;line-height:1.8em;text-transform:uppercase}.tasty-pins-banner-container a:hover{opacity:1}.tasty-pins-banner-container .tasty-pins-banner{align-items:center;bottom:0;cursor:pointer;display:flex;justify-content:center;left:0;padding-bottom:1em;padding-top:1em;position:absolute;right:0}.tasty-pins-banner-container .tasty-pins-banner svg{margin-right:4px;width:32px}.tasty-pins-banner-container .tasty-pins-banner span{margin-top:4px}.tasty-pins-banner-container a.tasty-pins-banner{text-decoration:none}.tasty-pins-banner-container a.tasty-pins-banner:hover{opacity:.8}.tasty-pins-banner-container a.tasty-pins-banner-image-link{flex-direction:column}.tasty-pins-banner-container a img{margin-bottom:0}.entry-content .wp-block-image .tasty-pins-banner-container img{margin-bottom:0;padding-bottom:0}#et-boc .et-l div .et_pb_image_wrap…