These recipe excerpts are from Cathy Katin-Grazzini’s new book, Love the Foods That Love the Planet. Reprinted with permission from Health Communications, Inc. Photography by Giordano Katin-Grazzini.Juicy, earthy, creamy, peppery, with just the right balance…
Cymbiotika’s Chervin Jafarieh on Where Wellness Is Headed…
Cymbiotika’s Chervin Jafarieh is an impassioned advocate for what you could call ‘total health’. His approach to well-being is all encompassing — from caring for the environment to tending to our internal wellness on every…
Minestrone Soup
A one-pot meal, ready in 40 minutes with this Healthy Minestrone Recipe! This gluten and dairy-free soup is packed-full of veggies and protein for a filling and delicious weekday lunch or dinner recipe. I basically…
Instant Pot Sorghum
Published: Jan 31, 2023 by Dara · This post may contain affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. · Leave a Comment Make Instant Pot Sorghum part of your meal prep…
7 Days of JSHealth Dinners
Living the Healthy Life is about making nourishing your body both delicious and easy! There’s no need to spend hours in the kitchen. These have become some of my go-to dinner recipes for a reason…
Venture into Veganuary
Cauliflower has been having a moment lately, and this salad proves exactly why. Tender caramelized cauliflower is crowned in a glorious sweet and savoury crumble that will ensure it a place on your table all…
6 Fun Ways To Get Kids Excited About…
We’re obsessed with the new children’s book This Is What I Eat from private chef and wellness enthusiast, Aliza J. Sokolow. Filled with beautiful illustrations and fun activities, we’ve rarely seen a resource with such…
Crystals for Skeptics: Here’s How 5 Incredible Minerals…
Before you get too skeptical about crystals, stop to consider that your watch is likely running on quartz. Our bones and teeth have crystalline properties, we ingest a variety of minerals (also crystals) for our…
The Pros Whey In: Your Ultimate Guide to…
If your lifestyle is even remotely active, odds are you’d benefit from a quality protein powder in your diet. Proteins are the building blocks for hundreds of bodily functions, some of the most important being…