5 Healthy Chia Pudding Recipes

Have you ever tried making chia pudding? This post is teaching you how to make chia pudding and how to customize it with 5 healthy recipes so you never get tired of this delicious breakfast…

Top 10 Recipes of 2022

We're almost through another year, pals! I spent a big chunk of time revisiting older recipes this year that deserved to see the light of day again. I started Hummusapien in 2011, so you better…

Cranberry Kamikaze Shots or Cocktail

Published: Dec 20, 2022 by Dara · This post may contain affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. · 10 Comments Cranberry Kamikaze shots (or cocktails) are a fantastic way to…

Salmon With Blueberry + Dill Sauce From The…

Are there any more celebrated superfoods than wild-caught salmon and blueberries? Pairing them here may seem odd at first, but trust us when we say this recipe with a balsamic-meets-berry sauce from Orchard: Over 70 Sweet…