Though it may seem like a new idea, artificial intelligence (AI) has been used in the healthcare industry since the 1960s, when its earliest forms provided tools for everything from record keeping to diagnostics.Since then,…
Staying Home vs. Going Out with BODY Vodka…
Just before the pandemic, the low to no-alcohol cocktail trend spiked, and then quickly fell as everyone entered the pandemic. Even with that unprecedented challenge, we’ve seen the no to low-ABV space surge forward like…
5 Healthy Chia Pudding Recipes
Have you ever tried making chia pudding? This post is teaching you how to make chia pudding and how to customize it with 5 healthy recipes so you never get tired of this delicious breakfast…
Top 10 Recipes of 2022
We're almost through another year, pals! I spent a big chunk of time revisiting older recipes this year that deserved to see the light of day again. I started Hummusapien in 2011, so you better…
5 Gifts From Black-Owned Brands Inside The Fifteen…
The Fifteen Percent Pledge Pop-Up on Spring Street in NYC is filled with genius gift ideas, all made by black founders across the country. If you’re lucky enough to be in NYC for Christmas this…
Cranberry Kamikaze Shots or Cocktail
Published: Dec 20, 2022 by Dara · This post may contain affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. · 10 Comments Cranberry Kamikaze shots (or cocktails) are a fantastic way to…
Salmon With Blueberry + Dill Sauce From The…
Are there any more celebrated superfoods than wild-caught salmon and blueberries? Pairing them here may seem odd at first, but trust us when we say this recipe with a balsamic-meets-berry sauce from Orchard: Over 70 Sweet…
5 Gifts From Black Brands Inside The Fifteen…
The Fifteen Percent Pledge Pop-Up on Spring Street in NYC is filled with genius gift ideas, all made by black founders across the country. If you’re lucky enough to be in NYC for Christmas this…
4 Powerful Principles We Learned From Holocaust Survivor…
The work of Dr. Edith Eger has been celebrated by Oprah, Brene Brown and many others over the years — including countless readers who have been changed by her NYT-bestseller, The Choice. Here at the…