/Living Well With Alle Weil: On Ghee, Toast + Kundalini

Living Well With Alle Weil: On Ghee, Toast + Kundalini

Alle Weil is a Women’s Holistic Health Practitioner and Nutritionist, Reiki Master, Holistic Skincare Alchemist and founder of Flora ex Machina. Her integrated approach to health incorporates traditional healing modalities and culinary practices combined with modern science and healthy food ideas, flower remedies and energy work to create a truly holistic and sustainable approach to health and healing from the inside out and outside in.

Alle works one one-on-one to create personalized systems and solutions to unresolved chronic symptoms, helping to guide women to restore their hormones and cycles naturally, and provide drugless and holistic therapies to bring emotional balance. She offers online programs, workshops and communities to further guide women to be their most empowered selves.

She has a line of Holistic Skincare products developed with flower essences and decadent ghee and honey-based superfood spreads, Royal Ghee – blended with adaptogenic and superfood herbs

Living Well With Alle Weil

Daily Breakfast: A small cup of organic coffee with either raw cream or nut milk and gluten-free sourdough toast with ghee or jam is my usual. Bread is truly my favorite food, and am sensitive to gluten, so I attempt to make my own GF bread. If it’s winter, I’ll swap toast for something more grounding/warming like porridge with honey, milk, cinnamon, and flax.

My Food Philosophy In One Sentence:

Intuitive, nourishing, seasonal and local, and uncomplicated.


Kundalini Meditation, or some form of meditation, has been part of my daily practice now for years, so perhaps is most integrated into my routine. I notice how my health and mood are affected when I skip a day. Other non-negotiables are prioritizing downtime or quiet time to myself at the end of a workday to help reenergize myself.

Daily Supplements:

I think it is so important to note that even what seems as benign as supplements should be based on individual needs. What’s trending does not mean it will be beneficial for you, especially not long term or nor they are healthy food ideas.

My supplements change seasonally and with my needs. A year ago we had a toxic leak in our home that I have been recovering from. So my protocol is still pretty robust and focused on restoring minerals and cleansing the liver.

Here are a few I’m currently taking:

+ Royal Ghee Earth Ambrosia
+ A blend of custom flower essences I’m working with
+ Seeking Health Vitamin C
+ Nutra Sea (for joint health)
+ Avena Botanicals Fall tincture for lymph liver and kidney support
+ Glutathione
+ Magnesium

Best Healthy Food Option On The Go:

Depending on how long I’m traveling for I tend to prefer to fast vs. snack, which I find helps with dehydration and travel-related constipation. I’ll opt for matcha lattes, herbal teas, elixirs, green juices, and fresh fruit instead of lots of nuts, seeds, and even healthy snacks to adopt healthy food ideas that can contain lots of salt and hidden sugars.

Can’t Live Without My:

Sunshine and my loves, but also magnesium before bed, and something bready daily.

Fave Workout:

A long hike in the woods or by the shore. Followed closely by yoga and Pilates.

Crazy Health Idea That Actually Works:

Doing less to get more! Tune into your body, tap into your intuition, eat mindfully, rest, drink pure quality water, and eat organic foods grown locally. We don’t need to complicate our health.

Once A Week For My Health I…

I give myself a spa day of a facial massage to help move lymph, tone my facial muscles and stimulate pressure points, lay on my biomat, take mineral soak and body oil massage, and get outside. I have really come to prioritize somatic care for myself and treat myself to massages and other hands-on practices to help ground and align my body and spirit.

At Least Once A Week I CooK…

Sautéed Vegetables with tahini miso sauce. I love a good veggie or macro bowl!

Ingredient In Products I Always Avoid:

Anything highly processed with food additives or preservatives.

If I Could Give Just One Piece Of Health Advice  It Would Be…

Get out in nature and fresh air daily to ground and help to restore our nervous systems.

Current Reading List:

I’ve been revisiting Five Spirits by Lorie Eve Dechar, Wheels of Life by Anodea Judith, Ph.D., Absolute Beauty by Pratima Raichur.

Simplest Way To Improve Health and healthy food ideas:


Prioritize joy and good sleep. Make your own meals with organic and unprocessed ingredients. Get out in nature.

5 Things Always In My Travel Gear:

Vitamins, binaural beat playlist, dry brush, essential oils and flower essences, Desert Harvest Aloe Vera Capsules for flare-ups.

3 Staples Always On My Vanity:

Sacred Eclipse Facial Oil, flower essences, a vat of body oil, or whipped body butter.

Go-To Juice Or Smoothie:

Green, green, green. Love a herby green juice or smoothie with coconut meat, greens, and fats.

My Current Mantra:

“This or something better” and “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.”

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