/Fluffy Lemon Blueberry Pancakes (with yogurt!)

Fluffy Lemon Blueberry Pancakes (with yogurt!)

Fluffy, moist Lemon Blueberry Pancakes made with Greek yogurt for a scrumptious breakfast the whole family will love! Bursting with lemon flavor and juicy fresh blueberries, these are the ultimate crowd-pleasing summer brunch. They freeze and reheat great. Toddler-approved!

plate of lemon blueberry pancakes with fork

The breakfast gods are calling. We better pick up the phone!!

These lemon blueberry pancakes are everything I ever wanted at 7am when my toddler is on his third breakfast and I’m on my third cup of coffee.

Sweet, pillowy insides bursting with bright citrusy notes lemon and bejeweled with sweet blueberries. And they’re easy!

We love to rotate between these and my Fluffy Whole Grain Pancakes, Orange Pancakes with Maple Tahini Syrup, or Fluffy Vegan Pancakes on weekends! What’s your fave?

The low down on ingredients

  • Flour: I like all purpose flour here to make them extra fluffy. You could also use whole wheat pastry flour. If you prefer whole wheat, I’d do half and half (I tested these that way and got the seal of approval).
  • Milk: I use unsweetened vanilla almond, but any milk you have on hand is great.
  • Lemon: Like my Lemon Blueberry Muffins, fresh lemon juice and zest make the brightest, tastiest muffins. I use the zest of a large lemon and measure out 2 tbsp juice.
  • Egg: This adds fluff, fat, and moisture.
  • Maple syrup: To naturally sweetened the batter. You can also use regular sugar.
  • Oil: A splash of neutral oil to add moisture to the batter. Melted coconut oil also works.
  • Vanilla: Pure vanilla extract for extra delicious flavor.
  • Blueberries: I love fresh blueberries since the color doesn’t bleed, but you can use frozen and simply toss with a bit of flour.
  • Salt: Key to round of the flavor.
  • Baking powder: For rise, of course!
lemon blueberry pancakes on cooling racklemon blueberry pancakes on cooling rack

So you want to substitute…

I got answers!

  • Make it vegan: Use a flax egg and thick non-dairy yogurt.
  • Make it gluten free: Use gluten free 1:1 all purpose baking flour.
  • Add coconut: I love adding ¼ cup shredded unsqeetened coconut for extra pizazz
  • Make blueberry syrup: Warm ½ cup blueberries with 2 tbsp maple syrup and a squeeze of lemon juice for a delicious syrup.
  • Use wild blueberries: Extra antioxidant power!

Let’s make it!

  1. Whisk together the dry ingredients in a large bowl.
  2. In a liquid measuring cup, whisk wet ingredients (milk, lemon juice and zest, yogurt, oil, egg, maple syrup and vanilla).
  3. Pour wet ingredients into dry ingredients and mix with a wooden spoon just until combined.
  4. Warm a pat of butter or oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Once hot, add ¼ cup of batter to skillet, repeating as needed. Top each pancake with 4-5 blueberries. Cook for 2-3 minutes per side, flipping once bubbles start to form and cooking 1-2 minutes or until golden. Turn down the heat if pancakes are cooking too fast.
bowl of pancake batter with wooden spoonbowl of pancake batter with wooden spoon

The key to light and fluffy pancakes

Man, have I learned about fluff factor. A hot pan and a thick batter are non-negotiable!

  • THICK batter. I always use a higher ratio of flour to liquid for thick and fluffy pancakes.
  • Not over-mixing the batter. Lumps are your friend! Over-mixing means overworking the wheat protein (gluten) which leads to dense, chewy pancakes. Gently fold the batter with a wooden spoon, knowing some streaks of flour are totally fine.
  • All purpose flour: I know I usually go whole wheat, but trust me when I say I far preferred the flavor and texture of all purpose flour here. Light and fluffy is the name of the game!
  • A hot skillet. When you put a drop of water on the skillet, it should sizzle. You want the pan hot enough that you’ll get that nice browning but not so hot that the exterior burns. I like just below medium or medium low heat. You can oil or butter the pan if it’s not non-stick.
  • Baking powder. You’ve gotta have a trusty leavening agent!
gold fork taking bite of lemon blueberry pancakesgold fork taking bite of lemon blueberry pancakes

Store for later!

Pancakes reheat and freeze amazingly well!

Make a batch on Sunday and store them in the refrigerator for up to 5 days in an air-tight container for easy, healthy breakfasts all week.

To reheat, pop them in the toaster or microwave for 20-30 seconds to warm up before serving.

To freeze, lay them in a single layer on a parchment-lined baking sheet and place in the freezer. Once frozen, transfer to a baggie and store for up to two months. (Freezing flat prevents them from sticking together once frozen.)

gold fork with stack of lemon blueberry pancakesgold fork with stack of lemon blueberry pancakes

I mean can every meal be lemon blueberry pancakes??


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plate of lemon blueberry pancakes with forkplate of lemon blueberry pancakes with fork

Fluffy Lemon Blueberry Pancakes (made with yogurt!)

5 Stars 4 Stars 3 Stars 2 Stars 1 Star
5 from 5 reviews

  • Author:
    Alexis Joseph
  • Prep Time: 10 minutes

  • Cook Time: 10 minutes

  • Total Time: 20 minutes

  • Yield: 9 pancakes 1x

  • Category: Breakfast

  • Method: Stovetop

  • Cuisine: American

  • Diet: Vegetarian


Super fluffy and moist Lemon Blueberry Pancakes made with yogurt for a scrumptious breakfast the whole family will love! Bursting with lemon flavor and juicy blueberries, these are the ultimate crowd-pleasing brunch. They freeze and reheat great. Kid-approved!





  1. In a large bowl, whisk together flour, baking powder and salt.
  2. In a liquid measuring cup, add almond milk, lemon juice, zest, yogurt, oil, egg, maple syrup and vanilla extract. Whisk until well combined.
  3. Pour wet ingredients into dry ingredients and mix with a wooden spoon just until combined, being careful not to over-mix the batter. Lumps are good!
  4. Warm a pat of butter or oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Once hot, add ¼ cup of batter to skillet, repeating as needed. Top each pancake with 4-5 blueberries. Cook for 2-3 minutes per side, flipping once bubbles start to form and cooking 1-2 minutes or until golden. Turn down the heat if pancakes are cooking too fast.
  5. Devour warm with a drizzle of pure maple syrup and a giant cup of coffee!

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