/6 Daily Habits to Supercharge Your Manifestation Practice

6 Daily Habits to Supercharge Your Manifestation Practice

Manifesting isn’t just about attracting things into your orbit—it’s about stepping into the energy of creation itself. Sia-Lanu Estrella, author of The Rainbow Tablets: Abundance and Sacred Co-Creation, reveals that true manifestation means becoming the architect of your reality, one intentional thought at a time. If you’re ready to elevate beyond the basics and fully unlock your potential, these six daily habits are designed to refine and supercharge your manifestation practice. Prepare to masterfully shape your world, transforming dreams into exquisite reality.

  1. Elevate your day with morning practice

Most people start their morning with a ‘3D’ routine. They wake up, shower, get ready and head to work. This sets the tone for the day to roll out in a 3D manner. As a master creator, nothing is on ‘auto-pilot’. And your morning practice is the single most powerful tool in your manifestation toolkit.

You are a transmission tower for all that you desire. Think of manifesting at this level as the infinity symbol. When you start your day centred in your highest frequency, you become both the magnet and amplifier of the greatest possibilities.

You might jump into an Uber and have a really insightful conversation with the driver. Perhaps you will come across a podcast that gives you the perfect inspiration. Or you might ‘randomly’ meet someone who can connect you with the big opportunity you’ve been calling in.

It all starts with your morning practice. This 10-minute Rainbow Pyramid Sovereignty Practice is a great way to align to the highest abundance and miracles in the day ahead. If you have more time, you could also add a cacao ceremony, journalling, yoga, breathwork, or time in nature.

  1. Move with intention and sacred co-creation

Past experiences often form our expectations and limiting beliefs. But when you step into your full power as a master creator, those old references no longer apply. So, it’s important to be aware of your ‘default’ thoughts. Instead, move through your day with intention. And remember that you’re not doing it alone. You are co-creating with the energies of the lands and the ancestors, as well as your guides and star teams.

One of my clients who is a lawyer, works in a field where the claimants are often very combative. It used to leave her feeling drained and unfulfilled. Then she started setting the intention for the highest outcome for all involved before each meeting. And she calls in support from all of their spirit teams, for their highest good.

She has seen three incredible things happen. Now at the end of each day, she feels energised and uplifted. She is able to reach solutions with the claimants with greater ease. And, when she has a particularly difficult claimant assigned to her, they always just ‘drop out’ of her calendar and end up assigned to a different lawyer.

This approach even works for the small things. For example, you might know a car park is always full at a particular time. Arriving with that thought will align your frequency to that outcome. Instead, as you approach, breathe into the reality of finding a spot straight away. And call in the divine assistance.

Then start to have fun with it. At the start of the day, let the lands, loving ancestors and your star teams know that you are open to an amazing miracle. Set that intention with joy, open your energy field and invite them to surprise you. You’ll be amazed at the outcomes. And remember to follow your intuition throughout the day, even if it’s something small like “Turn down that road,” or, “I might leave early.” Often your higher teams will use your inner knowing to guide you.

  1. Awaken the magic through presence

Your goals and dreams might be a little way in the future. But manifesting them happens in the present. A big goal never materialises in an instant. It is the result of a series of baby steps and smaller manifestations. In this way, you live into your highest vision of life. And the magic happens in the now.

Yet, much of modern life is designed to fragment your energy. It keeps you distracted and disconnected. You can’t manifest from this place. And it is much harder to hear or feel your intuition.

To manifest as a master creator, bring yourself into presence. Set boundaries around your phone, with allocated times check it. This frees you up to be present when you’re walking down the street, on public transport, out exercising, and more. Perhaps you’ll start noticing signs. Or it will create space for clarity and inspiration.

When you are aligned to the highest reality, people will often pop in as messengers. You’ll be amazed at what can be put into motion by a spontaneous conversation with a stranger or ‘chance’ meeting. Sometimes you’ll be the messenger or blessing for someone else.

This flow of giving and receiving is the essence of sacred co-creation. When you become an active participant in this flow, your manifesting instantly accelerates. But you can only tap into the magic through presence.

  1. Amplify abundance with gratitude

Gratitude opens your heart and raises your frequency. This sends a pulse out to the universe and the universe responds by sending you more of those circumstances. The more you foster gratitude, the easier it becomes to manifest.

Start your morning with gratitude for the sunrise, the warmth of your shower, and the gift of another day. Appreciate the beauty around you throughout the day, from birds and trees to a stranger’s smile. Discover the joy in sharing little acts of kindness for others and, when people are kind to you, genuinely thank them.

Before eating a meal, offer silent thanks. For example, you could say, “Thank you for the nourishment of this meal. Thank you to the earth, air, fire, water, ether and animals. And thank you for this ample abundance, which I continue to generate, receive and share in ever-increasing amounts.” 

At the end of the day, celebrate the best aspects of your day. Really breathe it into your heart and body. Over time, you will shift from ‘practising gratitude’ into literally vibrating at the frequency of gratitude. And you will manifest with much greater ease and speed.

  1. Unlock the power of your body

You are a transmission tower, and your body is your vessel for manifestation. When you unlock the true power of the body, you discover it is the most advanced multidimensional technology we have on this planet. It’s how you awaken your cosmic gifts and create all that your heart desires.

To supercharge your manifestation, maintain the most clear vessel possible. Fuel it with healthy and high-vibe foods. Give it exercise and movement. If you’re a shallow breather, practice deeper breathing. Spend time with genuine people who light up your heart.

Be conscious of the music and television you engage with. Does it make you feel inspired and uplifted? Or does it make you feel ‘zoned out’ and lethargic? Avoid alcohol, because this jams your frequency. If that feels difficult, try just 14 days without alcohol. Then, based on the difference in your intuition, mood and the magic in your life, decide whether or not to keep going. And rather than criticise your body, speak about it in loving ways.

Your body is your vessel for manifestation. It is like your magic wand. The more you honour your vessel, the stronger your intuitive and cosmic gifts become.

  1. Take ‘three steps’ each day and celebrate

Finally, commit to taking ‘three steps’ towards your goals, every day. Then record them in a special journal at the end of the day and celebrate.

Some days these might be baby steps, like emailing collaborators or new clients, working on your website, or sticking to your diet. Other days, it might a giant leap, such as enrolling in a new course, launching a podcast, or committing to a marathon.

Be clear about what you are manifesting and take aligned action. The daily habits above will optimise your frequency and mindset so you can manifest at the highest levels. That will magnetise and amplify the greatest magic and miracles. But to bring your vision into reality, you need to follow through. So, take three steps towards your goals each day and really celebrate.

When you show up for yourself, the universe will continue to show up for you – tenfold!

You can find out more in The Rainbow Tablets: Abundance and sacred co-creation, available now on Amazon.

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