/Inter-relationship Between Footcare and Eyecare, What Ayurveda says

Inter-relationship Between Footcare and Eyecare, What Ayurveda says

Article by Dr Raghuram Y.S. MD (Ay) & Dr Manasa S, B.A.M.S


Footcare is an essential and mandatory part of Ayurveda healthcare system. Pada – the foot being a Karma Indriya – organ of action, foot care has been emphasized in Ayurveda.


Comprehensive foot care in Ayurveda comprises of the below mentioned measures –

        Regular massage of foot – is part and parcel of Abhyanga i.e. full body massage. Abhyanga is a part of Dinacharya – the daily regimen. Abhyanga also comprises Pada Abhyanga – foot massage and Shiro Abhyanga – head massage. Apart from the benefits of Abhyanga, separate benefits of Pada Abhyanga and Shiro Abhyanga have been enumerated in Ayurveda classics. Massage followed by immersion of feet in lukewarm water or warm herbal decoctions will provide additional swedana – sudation effect.

        Regular cleansing and washing of feet – to remove dirt and sweat from the feet and keep them healthy, fit and fresh. Immersion of foot in warm water or herbal decoctions too are part of foot care in Ayurveda.

        Wearing well-fitting footwear – will protect the feet from injuries, wear and tear and help in keeping the feet healthy.


Benefits of Padabhyanga – Read here


Related Reading – ‘Pada Abhyanga and its benefits’


Effect of foot massage and other footcare measures on Eye health

Feet-eyes connection – Acharya Vagbhata explains the interconnection between feet and eyes. This also reflects that foot care has a very good impact on eyecare. This also establishes the connection between Jnanendriya (eye) and Karmendriya (feet) and also their interdependent health. Good footcare can preserve and nurture the vision and its perceptive functions.

द्वे पादमध्ये पृथुसन्निवेशे सिरे गते ते बहुधा च नेत्रे ।
ता म्रक्षणोद्वर्तनलेपनादीन् पादप्रयुक्तान्नयने नयन्ति ॥ ६६ ॥
मलौष्ण्यसङ्घट्टनपीडनाद्यैस्ता दूषयन्ते नयनानि दुष्टाः ।
भजेत्सदा दृष्टिहितानि तस्मादुपानदभ्यञ्जनधावनानि ॥ ६७ ॥ (A.Hr.Ut.16/66,67)

Acharya Vagbhata says, ‘Two siras (veins) are situated at the center of the two feet (soles). These siras are greatly connected to the eyes. These siras transmit (carry) the effect of medicines applied over the feet in the form external application of medicinal pastes, massage, sudation, bathing etc. to the eyes. Therefore, these siras should be protected.’

He further says that these siras etc. of the feet get vitiated due to the

        Mala – accumulation of dirt in the feet,

        Aushnya – effect of excessive heat when the feet are exposed to heat

        Sanghattana pidana – assault by weapons, stones, thorns and other hard substances

When the siras get vitiated as said above, they tend to bring about abnormalities of the eye which will lead to many vision and eye related disorders.

This is the reason why every person should always make use of the foot-wear, get the feet massaged with oil and wash them well.

Washing and cleansing the feet regularly is auspicious. It is a customary practice in Indian homes to wash hands and feet before getting into the home. Facility to do that is provided right at the entrance of many homes even today. It is also a part and parcel of receiving the guests into the home. These practices took a big medical dimension during Covid time, of which we are all witnesses of. Many times, when we wash our feet, we feel relaxed. Many of us might also have experienced freshness in our eyes.

Foot massage and immersion has been found to benefit eye health apart from bestowing its immense benefits. Foot massage during bedtime would bring good sleep and relaxation, which in turn is soothing and relaxing for the eyes.

Wearing well fitting shoes or slippers would protect the feet from injuries.

Related Reading – ‘Inclusions for a comprehensive foot care in Ayurveda’

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