/Jangala Desha: Features, Dosha Predominance, Diseases Manifested, Suitability

Jangala Desha: Features, Dosha Predominance, Diseases Manifested, Suitability


Article by Dr Raghuram Y.S. MD (Ay) & Dr Manasa S, B.A.M.S

Geographically the Bhumi Desha – habitat has been divided into three categories i.e. Jangala Desha, Anupa Desha and Sadharana Desha.

In this article we shall discuss Jangala Desha.

Jangala Desha

तत्रजाङ्गलःपर्याकाशभूयिष्ठः, तरुभिरपिचकदर-खदिरासनाश्वकर्ण-धव-तिनिश-शल्लकी-साल-सोमवल्क-बदरी-तिन्दुकाश्वत्थ-वटामलकीवनगहनः, अनेकशमी-ककुभ-शिंशपाप्रायः, स्थिरशुष्कपवनबलविधूयमानप्रनृत्यत्तरुणविटपः, प्रततमृगतृष्णिकोपगूढतनुखरपरुषसिकताशर्कराबहुलः, लावतित्तिरिचकोरानुचरितभूमिभागः, वातपित्तबहुलः, स्थिरकठिनमनुष्यप्रायोज्ञेयः,…| (Cha.Ka.Sth.1/7-8)

आकाशसमः प्रविलाल्पकण्टकिवृक्षप्रायोऽल्पवर्षप्रस्रवणोदपानोदकप्राय उष्णदारुणवातः प्रविरलाल्पशैलः स्थिरकृशशरीरमनुष्यप्रायो वातपित्तरोगभूयिष्ठश्च जाङ्गलः (Su.Su.35/42)

Jangala Desha means dry forest land. Acharya Vagbhata in Ashtanga Hridaya, keeps the definition of Jangala Desha simple and says ‘Jangala Desha is predominant in Vata’.

Below mentioned are the characteristic features of Jangala Desha –

Nature of the land – The lands are dry in Jangala Desha. They are abundant in forests as well. Therefore, Jangala Desha can be considered as dry land or dry forest lands

Sky all over – It has been described as Paryakasha Bhuyishta i.e. this land thrives in open sky. Open sky can be seen from long distances from this land. It seems that the land and sky are connected end to end. It can also be considered as the Jangala Desha is like the sky all by itself. It is high, dry, abundant and vast. Acharya Sushruta has mentioned ‘Akasha Samaha’ i.e. the lands are even and similar to the sky. Jangala Desha has space all over.

Mahabhuta Predominance – Since Jangala Desha has open areas and sky in abundance, it is predominant in Akasa Mahabhuta. It also has the rich Vayu Mahabhuta in it.

Temperature, Rain – Temperature of Jangala Desha is usually high. Rainfall is usually less or rare.

Nature of forests – Jangala desha has Gahana Vana i.e. deep forests, but the forests are small in size. Acharya Sushruta mentions that few small trees are grown apart.

Common trees available in Jangala Desha – Below mentioned kinds of trees are commonly available in the deep forests of Jangala Desha –

        Kadara – Acacia polycanntha

        Khadira – Acacia catechu

        Asana – Bridella retusa

        Ashvakarna – Dipterocarpus alatus

        Dhava – Anogeissus larifolia

        Tinisha – Ougeinia dalbergiodes

        Shallaki – Boswellia serrata

        Sala – Shorea robusta

        Somavalka – Acacia polyacantha

        Badari – Ziziphus mauritiana

        Tinduka – Diospyros melanoxylon

        Ashvattha – Ficus religiosa

        Vata – Ficus benghalensis

        Amalaka – Emblica officinalis

The plants have small leaves and thorns.

Abundant trees – Aneka Shami Kakubha Simshapa Prayah – Jangala Desha is also surrounded abundantly by the below mentioned trees in large numbers –

        Shami – Prosopis cineraria

        Kakubha – Terminalia arjuna and

        Shimshapa – Dalbergia sissoo

Nature of winds – Sthira Shushka Pavana Bala – Jangala Pradesha is windy. The nature of winds are explained as being constant and continuous, dry and strong. So, one thing we can find often in Jangala Desha is dry winds. This is very important from a clinical point of view. Acharya Sushruta adds that the strong winds are also hot.

Effect of continuous winds on trees and plants – Pranrutyati Taruna Vitapaha – Exposed to dry and continuous winds, the tender branches of the trees mentioned above keep continuously moving in an oscillating way that it looks as if they are dancing, being swayed by the strong force of the dry winds therein.

Availability of water – Due to less rainfall, there are few water reservoirs and hence the water available is also very less. Ponds and lakes, if any, are filled with less water. There are less streams and reservoirs of water as per Acharya Sushruta.

Sands, Mirages, Hills – Gudha tanu khara parusha sikata sharkara bahulaha – Sands are common in Jangala desha and so are mirages. Large areas are found to be covered with abundant, thin, rough, dry sand and gravel. So, large deserts are a part of Jangala Desha. Therefore, mirages are common in these lands. Small hills which are apart from each other can be seen in Jangala Desha.

Common birds inhabiting the land – Lava tittira chakora anucharita bhumi bhagaha – Jangala Desha is found to be inhabited by plenty of birds like lava – lava gull, tittira – partridge and chakora – chukar partridge.

Commonly animals inhabiting the land – In Jangala Desha, plenty of antelopes, bucks, deer and donkeys are found to inhabit.

Predominant doshas – Vata Pitta bahulaha – Jangala Desha is predominant in vata and pitta doshas. Vata and Pitta doshas are found to be high in people living in these lands, due to the influence of the land. So, there is always a possibility of people in these lands to suffer from vata or pitta disorders. The predominance of Vata Dosha influences the herbs, birds, animals and human beings. Vata can also be seen reflected in their constitution.

Predominant diseases – Diseases predominantly caused by aggravated vata and or pitta are common in Jangala desha. Diseases caused by aggravated blood have also been mentioned.

Nature of people inhabiting Jangala Desha – Sthira Kathina Manushya prayo – People inhabiting Jangala Desha are usually sturdy and tough. People are mostly thin and lean. Stable and emaciated body is a feature of people inhabiting these lands, according to Acharya Sushruta.

Strength and Health – People in Jangala Desha are considered to be less strong than those who inhabit Anupa Desha. From a health perspective, Jangala Desha is said to be good for health.

Jangala Desha: Quick look

        Dry lands

        Dry and hot winds

        Less rains

        Less trees, mountains and water

        Predominant in Akasha – ether and Vayu – wind Mahabhuta

        Has arid deserts, lot of sand, gravel, rocks, stones

        Mirages in summer due to large areas of sand

        Sky and open spaces everywhere

        Hot weather and less of rainfall

        Has thorny plants

        Dense jungles inhabited by trees like Khadira etc mentioned above

        Other trees grown in these lands – Sami (Prosopis cineraria), Arka (Calotropis procera), Karira (Capparis decidua), Bilva (Aegle marmelos), Pilu (Salvadora persica), cotton, groundnut etc.

        Predominant in vata and pitta

        People are prone to vata and pitta disorders

        Inhabiting people are harsh, strong and rough

        Inhabited by deer, bucks, lava, tittira etc. animals and birds

Clinical Perspective

One needs to know about Jangala Desha, to know its features and also the influence it has on people inhabiting therein.

The knowledge of Jangala Desha will help the physician to understand that people therein are prone to vata and pitta aggravations and also diseases caused by the same doshas. This will help to keep himself equipped with preventive and curative strategies and also educate the people on the same.

People who live in Jangala Desha should also know about the land in which they live, the foods therein, the doshas which are predominant and would affect them and the preventive and curative steps they can take at proper time. This awareness would help them to keep healthy.

Basically, the preventive strategies from clinical perspective is to keep away from vata and pitta aggravating foods and activities, especially so by people of the same constitution and seasons favourable for aggravation of these doshas. Excessive intake of pungent, bitter and astringent foods, excessive indulgence in exercise / physical activities etc. should mainly be avoided. Anti-vata foods and activities like indulgence in sweet, sour and salty dishes, Abhyanga, sleeping during daytime etc. and anti-pitta measures if pitta is worsened likewise, shall be adopted.

From a curative perspective, generally vata and pitta disorders are expected to manifest or worsen in these lands and treatments for the same shall be done as and when they occur.

Jangala Desha is a remedy for people who live in Anupa Desha and suffer from Kapha aggravation and Kapha disorders.


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