/Beyoncés dad, Mathew Knowles, reveals breast cancer diagnosis

Beyoncés dad, Mathew Knowles, reveals breast cancer diagnosis

Mathew Knowles, the father of singers Beyoncé and Solange, revealed he is a breast cancer survivor and urged other men to get tested for the disease.

The music executive, 67, appeared on “Good Morning America” on Wednesday to talk about his health battle and told host Michael Strahan that he was diagnosed about two months ago after he and his wife noticed small dots of blood on his shirts and the bedsheet.

He said his initial response to the diagnosis was to ask, “Why me?”

“Of all the things I could get, why would I get this?” he told Strahan. “From a man’s perspective, I’m thinking, ‘Why me?'”

Knowles said he underwent surgery at the end of July and is doing “really good.” He said he wanted to share his story to urge other men to get tested for the disease.

“I’m hoping by me coming here today, speaking out, letting folks know that you can survive this. But it has to be early detection. And I can’t overemphasize the word early,” he said.

According to the American Cancer Society, there will be about 2,670 new cases of invasive breast cancer in men in the U.S. this year and about 500 men will die from the disease. Black men also tend to have a worse prognosis, the organization said.

October is breast cancer awareness month.

Knowles said because of a gene mutation, he is also at risk of getting melanoma as well as prostate and pancreatic cancer. His children and grandchildren also have a greater risk, he told Strahan, who revealed that his brother battled breast cancer.

“For the rest of my life I have to be very much aware and conscious and do all of the early detection,” Knowles said, adding that his family has also gotten tested.

Since being diagnosed with cancer, Knowles said his outlook on life has changed and he is focused on living a healthier life.

“I stopped drinking. I wanted to just have a clean bill of health. … Things that used to be important, Michael, are not important to me now. I just look at the world differently.”

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