/Pelvic Care, Drinkable Marine Collagen + Lipstick For Your V: 5 Things Our Editors Are Loving This Week

Pelvic Care, Drinkable Marine Collagen + Lipstick For Your V: 5 Things Our Editors Are Loving This Week

OUR WEEKLY BREAKDOWN of everything in our editors’ pantries, go-bags, bathroom cabinets, and wellness spaces that we’re obsessing over at the moment.

MEDICINE MAMA’S VMAGIC® LIPS STICK | Over the past few years, sexual wellness has become a huge part of the health-and-wellness revolution with more and more products publicly geared toward our most private parts during every stage of life. Medicine Mama’s VMAGIC® Lips Stick is the newest (and greatest) travel-sized balm that supports your V on the go. Whether you’re postpartum, perimenopause, or just “going through something,” this all-natural, physician-led, organic formulation soothes and hydrates your most “sensi” skin with standout ingredients like sea buckthorn oil, beeswax, and a proprietary honey + propolis blend.

JSHEALTH PROTEIN + PROBIOTICS | Created by Jessica Sepel, clinical nutritionist and three times best-selling health author, JSHealth’s Protein + Probiotics is a protein powder we can get behind. With recognizable ingredients that you can count on one hand, this quality-driven formulation leverages pea protein isolate and the probiotic strain Lactobacillus Rhamnosus GG (LGG) for an easy-to-digest protein supplement that won’t leave you bloated AF. And the best part? It tastes absolutely delicious, thanks to katemfe fruit extract (aka thaumatin)—a protein extracted from a West African plant that provides extra sweetness with no blood sugar spikes.

REVIVE COLLAGEN ENHANCED PLUS HYDROLYZED MARINE COLLAGEN DRINK | Even though we’ve been on the marine collagen train for a long time now, it seems as like people are just catching onto this type I collagen’s amazing ability to replenish our hair, skin, and nails. Revive is taking a totally different approach with its Marine Collagen Drink sachets, which we cannot stop savoring as our post-workout boost or midday pick-me-up. Not only are you getting a whopping 10g of marine collagen, but you’re also getting a synergistic blend of other skin-loving vitamins + nutrients like vitamins B6, D3, B12, C, and A (aka retinol). We’ve been glowing for over a month now, but don’t forget: consistency is key!

THE PELVIC PEOPLE KIWI | There are more people struggling with conditions like Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, vulvodynia, and many other issues that can make sex deeply uncomfortable. The Pelvic People’s revolutionary Kiwi combines pelvic progress and pleasure into one vibrating massager that soothes muscle tension and increases blood flow + stimulation for easier entry (and therefore decreased discomfort). It’s science-backed and comes with two motors with different frequencies for a more customizable experience—whether you’re alone or with a partner. 

BRANCH BASICS PREMIUM STARTER KIT IN GLASS | Choosing to live a non-toxic lifestyle goes way beyond what you eat and what you put on your skin. Spoiler alert: household cleaning products matter too. Look no further than Branch Basics. We recently got to try their Premium Starter Kit and were blown “out of the water” (which is a Branch-specific pun), thanks to their simple, safe, and extremely potent concentrates that get the job done. You also won’t run out for a good, long while, given that you only need a little bit of concentrate to get the maximum benefit. Just add water. 

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