/Mustard oil Benefits, Side effects, Remedies

Mustard oil Benefits, Side effects, Remedies

Article By Dr. Shilpa Ramdas, MD Ayu

Mustard Oil has been used both for culinary purposes and as a medicine in Ayurveda. It has been studied for their potential health benefits, including antioxidant and antimicrobial properties.


Mustard oil is often used as a counterirritant due to its ability to cause mild irritation or warming sensation when applied to the skin. Mustard oil contains erucic acid, which in high amounts may be harmful to health, so it’s advised to use it in moderate quantities. There are no proven health threats associated with erucic acid but because of this content, mustard oil (sarson ka tel) is banned for oral consumption by USFDA.

In Ashtanga Hridaya, Charaka Samhita, and various Nighantus, the properties and benefits of mustard and its oil are extensively described. Mustard is known as Sarshapa in Sanskrit, the extracted oil is referred to as Sarshapa Taila. It is classified under Taila varga. (Group of oils).

Sarshapa Tailam Qualities

दीपनं सार्षपं तैलं कटुपाकरसं लघु |
लेखनं स्पर्शवीर्योष्णं तीक्ष्णं पित्तास्रदूषकम् ||१३||
कफमेदोऽनिलार्शोघ्नं शिरःकर्णामयापहम् |
कण्डूकुष्ठकृमिश्वित्रकोठदुष्टक्रिमिप्रणुत् |
तद्वद्राजिकयोस्तैलं विशेषान्मूत्रकृच्छ्रकृत् ||१४||
Reference: Bhavaprakasa Purvakhanda – Misraka prakarana – Taila varga.

कटूष्णं सार्षपं तीक्ष्णं कफशुक्रानिलापहम्|
लघुपित्तास्रकृत् कोठकुष्टार्शोव्रण जन्तुजित् ॥
Reference: Ashtanga Hridaya. Sutra sthana. 5/ 59
Oils properties are generally similar to their source. Mustard oil is extracted from mustard seed. Hence the properties of Mustard oil are similar to that of Mustard seed.

 Taste (Rasa) – Pungent (Katu)
 Qualities (Guna) – Light (Laghu), Warm (Ushna), Penetrative (Tikshna)
 Potency (Virya) – Ushna
 Taste after digestion (Vipaka) – Katu
 Action (Karma) – Dipana (Digestant), Lekhana (Scraping)

Action on Doshas:
Due to its hot potency and pungent taste it helps to pacifyVata and Kapha dosha, and increases pitta dosha

Action on Dhatu:
Excessive consumption results in the impairment of Rakta dhatu and depletion of Medo dhatu (fat tissue), while prolonged usage may lead to a reduction in Shukra dhatu.

Therapeutic action:
Vermifuge – Anthelmintic, indicated in worm infestations
Rubefacient – On external application, it causes local warmth and redness
Anti inflammatory – Helps to reduce pain and swelling

This substance is recommended for conditions such as head and ear disorders, itching, skin diseases, worm infestations, and leucoderma

Contra indication – Contra indicated in blood borne diseases(Raktaja vyadhis)

Nutritive Value of Mustard oil (Amount / 100ml)
Mustard oil contains 1.88 grams of protein and 0.44 milligrams of zinc, 38.92 milligrams of calcium which are essential for body growth and development.

 Formulation contains Mustard oil –
Ashta katwara taila
 Hingvadi Taila – Used for the management of Amenorrhea
 Laghumasha taila – Used for the management of Frozen Shoulder
Somaraji taila , Marichadi Tailam , Mahamarichadi taila -Indicated in various skin dsiorders

Mustard oil – incompatibility
There are several combinations of foods that are considered incompatible when consumed together.
 ……….हारिद्रः कटु तैलवान्। AH Su7/40
Taking yellow mushroom (haaridra) along with mustard oil is incompatible. These combinations may lead to digestive issues, toxin formation, or other health problems.

Method of Preparation of Sarshapa Taila (Mustard Oil)
The extraction process of mustard oil involves macerating black mustard seeds in warm water, followed by either steam or water distillation. The resulting crude oil is dark brown and rich in free fatty acids. After refinement, the oil becomes light brown and devoid of strong flavors. Its distinct odor is from sulphur-containing essential oils generated through the hydrolysis of glycosides found in the seeds.

Benefits and Uses
Mustard Oil Be Used for Oil Pulling for Kapha diseases.
Mustard oil is hot in nature. Oil pulling is a way to cleanse the oral cavity and to strengthen the gums and teeth. Kapha dosha can affect the oral cavity causing tartar, tongue coating, decrease in tasting capacity of tongue, swelling etc.

For Karna Poorana
कर्णनादे हितं तैलं सर्षपोत्थं च पूरणे । (AH Uttaratantra 18/ 26a)
According to Ashtanga Hridaya, Filling of Sarshapa taila is beneficial for Tinnitus.

As a pain Oil
When mustard oil is topically applied, it can stimulate blood flow to the area and produce a sensation of warmth, which may help alleviate pain and discomfort in certain conditions, such as muscle aches, arthritis, or respiratory congestion.

Base for Various oil Preparations
This Murchita Sarshapa taila (After processing) is used as base oil along with herb paste, decoction etc. to prepare the final herbal oil.

Side Effects

Excessive application or prolonged contact with the skin can lead to irritation or even burns. It’s advisable to dilute mustard oil with coconut oil or olive oil, before applying it to the skin, and to perform a patch test on a small area first to check for any adverse reactions. mustard oil should not be used on broken or irritated skin, and individuals with sensitive skin or allergies should avoid its use altogether.
 Excessive intake of this oil causes impotence in males.

Antibacterial / antifungal: Glucosinolate present in mustard oil serves antibiotic, fungicidal and anti-carcinogenic properties, which reduces the effect of chronic diseases.

Home remedies

 1 Mustard oil mixed with salt in nasal polyp:
 25 ml of mustard oil is taken and 2 pinch of salt is added and heated. This is filtered on cooling. 2 – 3 drops of this oil is instilled into the nose for the treatment of nasal polyps.
 It is applied externally over haemorrhoid mass to shrink the mass and to relieve pain.

 2. Mustard oil with turmeric in itchy rashes:
 Mustard oil is mixed with a small quantity of fine paste of turmeric and oil is cooked. This oil is applied all over the body. This pacifies itchy rashes.

 3. Mustard oil application in rheumatoid arthritis:
 In rheumatoid arthritis, mustard oil is warmed with a pinch of rock salt and applied over the joints, gently. Regular application helps to bring down the pain and swelling.

 4. Jaggery and mustard oil in respiratory disorders:
 Equal amounts of jaggery and mustard oil are taken and mixed well. In cases of asthmatic attack (breathlessness) this is taken. This gives instant benefit in this condition.

 5. Facial Hair Removal
A mixture of gram flour, turmeric and mustard oil is used for scrubbing.

 6. Medicated traditional oil for tooth ache:
5 grams each of baking soda, table salt and pepper powder are taken and fine powder is made.
This is added to 25 ml of mustard oil and heated for 2-3 minutes. When the froth appear it is taken out of the fire, filtered and stored.

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